Easy Indo- Chinese Chicken Corn Soup | Instant Pot |

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This healthy chicken soup recipe is made with bone broth, corn, and eggs. It is a comfort meal that is way better than takeout and packed with cold-fighting properties. Add vinegar, soy sauce, and/or hot sauce to add depth. Enjoy!

Written Recipe: https://www.thespicegenie.com/chicken-corn-soup/
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Food Notes:

-For thicker soup, you may increase the amount of corn starch. 

-If you are using pre-made chicken broth, skip the chicken bouillon cubes. 

-Please note, broth and chicken cubes has salt added, so adjust your salt content accordingly. 

-If you don’t have cream styled corn on hand, you can make your own by blending a can of regular corn in its own water. 

-5 mins NPR is precautionary and gives time for the soup to settle down before opening the lid. Otherwise, the soup might splash out with pressure.

1 reply
  1. Peggy Duncan
    Peggy Duncan says:

    Looks great! Kinda reminds me of my fave egg drop soup when I would go to this one Chinese restaurant. I will have to make this! Oh, just a tip for whoever is using the Instant Pot here..or any others out there..Those 2 slots on each side of the Instant Pot are for you to put your LID on!! You never have to lay your lid down anywhere!! No no no…lol..I love these handles and use them every time. A little tip, some recipes have condensation at the top of the lid when you open so I just gently drain that little bit of water in the pot or run over to the sink and tip it and shake then go place the lid back in the slot. I always use the one on the left side since I am right handed. Hope this helps someone 🙂


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