Easy Healthy Dinner on a Budget – recipe in the caption #plantbased #budgetmeals #recipes #shorts

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38 replies
  1. Nutrition Babe
    Nutrition Babe says:

    Budget friendly Tofu Stirfry is a Timeline Win in My Mind. Make it a Weight Loss Dinner with my Plate Collection. You can shop and learn more with the link in my bio & at ilanahousewares.com

    To make the tofu: add 1/4 c nutritional yeast to 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp paprika, 1 tsp salt , 1 tsp cumin and/oregano. Mix it well and coat slices of extra firm tofu on all sides with the mix. Cook each one in a pan coated with olive or avocado spray and enjoy with a stir fry of your favorite veggies and soyaki marinade. Its the best and so inexpensive and easy to make.

    #healthyrecipes #healthydinner #vegandinner #vegandinnerideas #budgetmeals #healthyonabudget #cheapmeals #cheapeats #tofustirfry #tofurecipe #stirfry #healthydinnerideas #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #plantbasedrecipes #plantbased #veggiesmost #nutrition #nutritiontips

  2. Shadow Collins
    Shadow Collins says:

    What about beans? Beans are probably cheaper than all of that. I'm talking about the bag of dried ones. You can get some sazon or seasoning and stir it into it as you're simmering them.

    And as an Asian I am not a fan of people trying to make all kinds of dishes out of tofu. It would be better to learn traditional methods of using tofu from the different Asian countries that is used in. I mean you can cook what you want but honestly traditional methods are better. There are four types of tofu or dubu as we call it in Korea. Extra firm, firm, medium, soft
    We use soft for soups for the most part, and either firmer extra firm for the pan fried tofu we make. There are so many that you can find that uses traditional Asian ingredients that makes traditional Asian dishes. One thing that we do make in Korea that is pretty delicious is soft tofu stew or 순두부찌개. It's healthy, it is spicy but you can control the level of spice.
    Also an excess of tofu can cause a spike in your estrogen. So just be careful of how much you consume

  3. Mel Silke
    Mel Silke says:

    I have never and will never eat tofu. More animals are killed making your fckn tofu than a steak. 1 cow gets harvested and makes most of meals. The place your tofu grows kills all animals, bugs and bees to create soy!! Think logically when eating. Would you rather kill one animal or hundreds!!??

  4. Flawless P
    Flawless P says:

    Imagine thinking feeling full was the goal or allowed while struggling. If I felt full after eating in my 20s that meant I ate more than I was supposed to and was gonna miss a meal because of it.

    Eat till your not crying and that's it. That's the way to millions. Self denial and disciple till you pinced every penny and yes it matters

  5. miriam levy
    miriam levy says:

    My mom is chinese and loves tofu, I love tofu too, we finished boxes a week and people always ask me how to eat tofu since it’s tasteless. To me tofu is not tasteless, I love the taste of it honestly and here’s some tofu ideas for people who want to eat tofu but don’t know how to get it good & flavorful:
    1. tofu stir fry with bok choy (chopped) and garlic (crushed), salt & pepper and soy sauce on top of steamed rice. It’s addicting I promise you, even my sister who doesn’t like tofu comes to my place at the middle of the night to ask me to make it for her
    2. Tofu omelette, soak a chunk of tofu in salted water and wait about five to ten minutes, then cut it up and drop it into beated/mixed eggs and add to oiled pan. Fry and cover and then flip and it’s great!

    Both require for the tofu to be cut btw, if that wasn’t clear. Hope this helps!! Tofu is a great source of protein and is delicious when cooked well! You can also deep fry tofu or coat it in corn starch or flour, fry and cover in some kind of sweet sauce or any sauce of your liking!

  6. Egh0918
    Egh0918 says:

    When I had a lot of soy in my diet like eating it everyday I developed an ovarian cyst and it burst and was so painful I had to go to the ER not knowing that they couldn't do anything for me I cut out soy and never had the problem again

  7. mamatlacuacha
    mamatlacuacha says:

    Yeah, I have issues with soy and would probably die if I ate it that often. For those of you that can't eat or just don't like tofu, eggs with butter, chicken leg quarters, pork butt, ground beef, chuck roast, and canned salmon are where it's AT.

    Fat doesn't make you fat. Carbs, seed oils, and artificial ingredients do. Fat is super filling as well and I can eat less overall without feeling like I'm starving every two hours.

    Don't fear the fat. 🧈🥓🥩💕

  8. Hi
    Hi says:

    Idk, my parents were dirt poor immigrants with kids. They were paid piece work as factory workers sometimes .02 cents per piece back in the 90's etc. We ate alot of beans rice and tortillas. Lots of vegetables and less expensive cuts of chicken like thighs or we ate eggs. My mom was really resourceful and her meals were sooo delicious and humble. Tofu especially prepared like this seems a little unappetizing. Im sorry!!!

  9. Grace Kelehar
    Grace Kelehar says:

    I'm sorry. I'd have to be starving to death to eat tofu. Keep in mind that I've been as broke as she's talking about. I got creative too, but tofu never was even a thought.


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