Easy Earthquake Cake – A German Chocolate Cake Lovers Dream!

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Want to make a Chocolate Earthquake Cake? It’s the Easiest and Most Delicious Cake You’ll Ever Make! Watch our Step by Step …

35 replies
  1. OfficialSteveGarey
    OfficialSteveGarey says:

    Tammy did you know German Chocolate Cake is not "German" at all?
    It's actually named after the baker who invented it, a Mr. Samuel German was his name.
    When i lived in Europe near Germany I asked about German Chocolate Cake and everyone looked at me like i was crazy. They've never heard of it. No wonder!
    It is an American invention created by an American baker.

  2. Todd Ford
    Todd Ford says:

    I hope you read this! I would love to see you make Yakamein, it’s something I love but I’d love to see how you cook it and even put your very own spin on it. Thank you and thank you for sharing.

  3. Jean Lee
    Jean Lee says:

    Hi, I just found you while looking for a homemade biscuit mix recipe on google. went to your web site and thank you so much! i lost my mama 2 years ago and my auntie last year. they both cooked and I have learned alot from them but they NEVER wrote anything down. I am now teaching my grand daughter who is 15yrs old to cook (and her mama is learning even though she acts like she aint paying attention). so I am creating her a cook book but some of the things I just know by "lookin" i can not explain to her so your site helps so much! and now I have your vlogs to teach me how to teach her. thank you for all you do. now im gonna binge watch your vlogs. oh yeah my mama and auntie were from Mississippi. I was an army brat raised in california now my children and I moved to Missouri to be nearer to my oldest son.

  4. Linda Green
    Linda Green says:

    Love this recipe. I made it for a church function and everyone loved it. Wishing you and your family a great fourth of July. God's blessings to you and your family.

  5. Laura
    Laura says:

    Hey …. This is a rerun right ?? Ur in ur house in St. Mary’s 🥰🥰🥰.. I love it .. soooo good .. I’ve made it before ❤️❤️ love u TamTam ❤


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