Easy Beef Stew – How to Make The Easiest Way

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Beef stew may be easy to make, but having it come out flavorful is a whole other story. Lisa Lavery of the CHOW Test Kitchen shows you how to build the flavor …

38 replies
  1. Ujuani68
    Ujuani68 says:

    I once served this to my wife…She was in Heaven.  😀 This is one of the greatest dishes, that I know… AT ALL!! So.. all you need, is the TIME, to cook it. It IS a time-consuming kind of food.. But it pays off in the end. Next time, I will serve this one to my favorite sister (I have 7 of them, actually), and her husband and daughter! We will have a ball, food-wise. Tons of hugs from Copenhagen, Denmark!

  2. Ujuani68
    Ujuani68 says:

    This piece of meat is the crown jewel of beef. Treat it with respect. Your guests will love you FOREVER, if you do! Or even just your husband/wife/partner/significant other.  ;-D

  3. Martin Frecks
    Martin Frecks says:

    Too much work brown the meat sauté the onions Chop up the potatoes carrots and mushrooms throw it all in a crockpot with 4 cups of beef broth for about five to eight hours on low good enough.

  4. Cranberoo
    Cranberoo says:

    How long should the battered meat cook in the vegetable oil when using a smaller pot? Some of my meat got burnt cooking for 5 min on each side…
    Or was the heat a little too high?


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