Easy and Amazing Creme Brulee Recipe | Preppy Kitchen

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Creamy custard with a caramelized topping, this Crème Brûlée is a classic French dessert that looks fancy but is incredibly easy to …

37 replies
  1. Theresa Sulheim
    Theresa Sulheim says:

    Just made this today. OM Goodness! Not only did I drink some of that delicious mixture before baking it, but I ate one of them hot out of the oven! 🤣 Great recipe, and so easy! Thx John!😘

  2. Deborah Amiot
    Deborah Amiot says:

    If you don't have a torch, just melt sugar in a small skillet until it's golden brown and pour that over the custard. If you do have a torch the best way to get that perfect crust is to do it in layers. First sprinkle on the sugar and turn the ramkin so the sugar is coating the entire surface of the custard then dump the excess sugar into a bowl. Melt the sugar with the torch and repeat with the remaining ramkins. Then starting with the first custard, sprinkle on another thin layer and torch. Repeat with remaining custards. You can stop here or add another thin layer or two depending on how much of a sugar crust you want. I prefer mine thicker but I know that's not how most people like theirs, so do as many thin layers that suit your tastes. Torching many thin layers of sugar as opposed to one thinker layer of sugar should produce a crust that is a nice dark golden brown.

  3. Cinda Miller
    Cinda Miller says:

    I just found this chanel today and I love it. Also, as a mom, I love that he said he has to call his mom to tell her about his success! No matter how old my children get I want to hear about their day!

  4. A Alger
    A Alger says:

    Love your videos. I love the custards and pastry recipes. Would you have a easier recipe for pans au Chocolat ( excuse spelling if wrong). I tried a standard recipe and all those repeated steps of rolling folding over w butter 8- 9 times just lost me. I love them and have only found them at Aldi's. Thanks for your work.

  5. Nails by G. #G. RNVLE
    Nails by G. #G. RNVLE says:

    An interesting point was brought to my attention was to not mix the sugar into the egg yolks as it attached to the water in the yolk and tends to clump the yolk as you mix it with the cream. I tried this, mixing the sugar in the eggs right before I added the hot cream and there were no lumps of egg not one when I strained it. So I just thought I’d share cause the last time I made crème brûlée I made the usual way mixing the sugar in eggs right after I got the cream on the stove and I got lumps. Food for thought. There’s science there.

  6. Debbie Isom
    Debbie Isom says:

    I just made this and it was GREAT! I had a large shallow ramekin. Why was my custard soupy? It was firm prior to my adding the sugar so I’m thinking I torched it too long? The top was a perfect Carmel and CRUNCHY! 😄 it was yummy! Too bad I can’t post a photo

  7. Debbie Isom
    Debbie Isom says:

    I stumbled on your channel in the six months and you captivated me with your charm, smile and sense of humor! I too love when you stumble over words or an egg shell goes flying and you keep it in the video…it makes you more human and adds to the fun of your shows! I've made your meringue cookies which are fabulous, your christmas decorated cupcakes -so cute! and I'm just chilling your creme brulee and am anxious to try torching it. 🙂 Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to trying more of your recipies!


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