Easy 5 Ingredient Meals Made in the Instant Pot!

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

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38 replies
  1. KAREN Patterson
    KAREN Patterson says:

    Finally joined the instant pot craze and recently purchased the duo crisp.( to kill 2 birds with one stone and join the air fryer craze as well). I am totally intimidated by it. Lol. So far very basic recipes on pressure cook. The air fryer lid and cooking options really intrigue me but admittedly find it challenging to understand cook times and to find recipes that are appropriate for that lid.

  2. John Pullum
    John Pullum says:

    That pasta looks incredible. I need to get my Instant Pot out of the box and use it again. I also didn't have a clue that you can make baked potatoes in it!!!! I'm going to try that, too!!!

  3. Megan Pepper
    Megan Pepper says:

    I have one and I really prefer my slow cooker for meat anyway. It's so much more tender. My whole chicken in my crock pot falls apart after 4 hours. The instant makes all my meat tough. And I follow all your instructions.

  4. Mindy Peterson
    Mindy Peterson says:

    Yes, I have and IP, A Viva 6qt… and I use it and live it. My daughter had an 8qt Viva and now she has a 6qt Smart Wifi… she loves it. She says eggs come out great. Only way to make them. Pasta, Rice and Potatoes come out yummy… we your recipes. Ty ty

  5. Alexis Space
    Alexis Space says:

    Yes, I also have one. I bought it 2 years ago. Andddd I hate to admit it but it's still new in the box. I believe I might have taken it out of the box to look at it but I'm not sure, it's been too long ago. Still nervous ๐Ÿ˜“ so I really should get your cooking course ๐Ÿ˜‹

  6. Marnie Thiel
    Marnie Thiel says:

    I have one instant pot, that I use. Mostly use it for cooking chicken breasts. I need to branch out and do more with it. Loved the potatoes that you show in this video! I gotta do that one today, very excited about that! I do have the instant pot air fryer attachment that I havenโ€™t used yet and I got that a year ago. Thank you for the wonderful recipes and videos.

  7. Skincv on IG
    Skincv on IG says:

    Hi everyone! If you could only choose one device between Instant Pot and a Slow cooker, which would you pick and why?
    I am 3 month pregnant and working from home and I want to find ways to cook dinner more efficiently.

  8. Judy Bennett
    Judy Bennett says:

    I recently bought an 8qt Instant Pot. Almost all the recipes are made in a 6qt pot. Is there a conversion I should use for the bigger one? I love all your recipes! You are so easy to follow. You actually inspired me to get one!


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