Easiest Plant Based Yogurt Recipe

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That’s right, I said it. This is the easiest plant based yogurt recipe. Two ingredients. That’s it, make plant based yogurt with TWO …

11 replies
  1. angela pdx
    angela pdx says:

    thanks for reminding me this is a thing! it's been a while since I made it. I did try with homemade oat milk, it was sweeter and very thick but a bit gooey, that sort of starchy goo you can get from oats. Homemade milks tend to be less diluted than store bought so there is more for the bacteria to feed on, at least that is my suspicion not scientific knowledge. 🤣

  2. asloan193
    asloan193 says:

    Also I am always posting comments on your videos and not saying how much I love your videos. So here you go I love that you guys seem to bridge the gap between the extreme SOS cooking and the unhealthy vegan cooking. I feel like a lot of your recipes would attract people like my wife that want to eat healthier, but also don’t want to go extreme like I am willing to do. So thanks.

  3. asloan193
    asloan193 says:

    When I empty that kind of container, I pull up one of the side flaps and cut it. I then open the spout and pour out the flap hole. Works really well, and gets every drop out.

  4. Stephanie Sosna
    Stephanie Sosna says:

    I've tried many times to make plant based yogurt but have not had success. I did however buy a yogurt strainer on Amazon 👍
    One day I will try to find a recipe that works for me.
    Wish I liked soy milk…

  5. Sue Broome
    Sue Broome says:

    Hmm. I have tri d yogurt in iPot & hasn’t worked. I used WestSoy which is only soy & water. I don’t have the setting you referred to on my iPot but do have yogurt setting. My tried & true is to take a small jar put soy milk in it with 2 capsules of probiotics mix & put in oven with light on overnight. I do strain it but works perfect every time. I may try your version & go longer on iPot bc I also use it as sour cream & enjoy the taste.
    Thank you.


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