Dr. John McDougall Answers YOUR Questions + Rant on Overweight Vegans

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43 replies
  1. Kitty Beck
    Kitty Beck says:

    I see people bragging about their "carnivore" diet! There's a lady who lost 100 lb & all she eats is a big steak every day (one meal a day) (no fiber!). She gave up sugar also. No wonder she lost weight, but that does not mean carnivore is a good diet! And she has a bunch of followers! Nah, they won't listen to me. I've been V for about five years now, not perfect (I like Earth Balance – but it's better than 1/2 cube of butter a day & cooking with a lot of oil that I used to eat). Dr Barnard & Dr McDougall have helped me a LOT. 🙂 I love my diet & it feels very healthy.

  2. Sue Rushford
    Sue Rushford says:

    Wow, I’m both an infectious disease and climate change denier – and I believe the earth is toroidal. A shame he isn’t as up on these topics as he is about vegan nutrition. But congrats on the award!

  3. Jude Q
    Jude Q says:

    for the arthritis…try getting off nightshades. I did and my rheumatoid arthritis went away!! Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, goji berries. Be careful to not have any paprika and chili spices since it all comes from peppers. By the way, sweet potatoes are wonderful. They're not nightshades so they are safe. And, it's been years and I've been able to occasionally eat these foods. But, cooking them kills much (not all) of the nightshade. So, I eventually could have tomato sauce and cooked potatoes but that is only after my gut fully healed. Also good to know, is that it's the skin and seeds that have most of the nightshade in it. So, if I ever do have potatoes, even though it's cooked, I won't eat the skin….Good luck!

  4. Dan Alexander
    Dan Alexander says:

    The answers are obvious for the question asked at the beginning but they aren’t fun. We have to stand against the “systems” in place. The government, the military, the food industries, the unnecessary toxic factories and businesses, and the entertainment industry must be confronted! There is no other option. The way humanity is approaching the situations at hand are comparable to small children afraid to get disciplined by an authority. Our authorities are the biggest criminals in our midst.. on top of that, we must confront each other and even our friends and families. Too many people simple don’t care.. and if that doesn’t somehow change, nothing can get better. We can’t come together if most people don’t like getting together and want left alone by everyone. We have to open our hearts to each other. That means to be honest and stop sugarcoating the problem. Everyone who is able should be growing their own foods and teaching others ways of being self efficient. No “grown ups” leave their living conditions up to strangers then follow them even if they disagree or go against morality.
    The unanimous choice of mistreating and misfeeding ourselves on purpose is disgusting, especially when these are supposed to be the examples from the next generations. There are so many things we can do to fix this, but it takes people coming together. I say this because I care and I constantly reach out to people to no avail.. but since it matters and needs to be done, there’s no chance I could stop trying to help. God bless!

  5. Vegan Physical Therapy Doc
    Vegan Physical Therapy Doc says:

    I tell my own patients the same thing. Eating animals 5 times a year isn’t making them overweight and sick it’s eating animals and oil all day every day 5 meals a day that is the problem. They don’t have to give up all animal products just eat them only on the 5 special occasions a year. I, of course, would NEVER eat animals as I am a vegan for so many reasons but just to get their health back being vegan most of the time and avoiding oil and processed foods is how you do it. ❤

  6. Mary Ingersoll
    Mary Ingersoll says:

    Love this man, but I couldn’t watch this after the first few minutes. His hopeless remarks were discouraging. Yes there are many things that are discouraging in the national level, but I still have hope. Every year I go into the clinic for my wellness check (I am 70), and because of turnover I am seen by a different doctor each time. They check my stats, they are always surprised, I tell my story, they are impressed, and they recommend various tests and I ask why, insurance requires they recommend, I decline and have to sign a form to say that I won’t sue them, then they say see you next year”. But in every visit I have an impact on that doctor. They see me as “uncooperative” but they can’t argue with my state of health. Inch by inch I have my impact on those doctors and the friends and family who know my lifestyle. Thank you Dr McDougall for giving me the courage to buck the system. 😁

  7. Nic and Tris
    Nic and Tris says:

    I'm not sure he is familiar with Lipoedema. He was talking about the lymph nodes and cellulite, but Lipoedema is a collection of fat in the buttocks and legs that looks like a huge swelling. It's not cellulite, although cellulite can also exist there too. I know a person who suffers from Lipoedema and yes, she could lose some weight, but her weight is all collected in her lower body and her legs look swollen, while her upper body looks normal.

  8. Jim L
    Jim L says:

    The way I eat is very close to Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's route but with a dollop of Dr. John McDougall thrown in, as well. I always have the starch, because I have come to know that this is the stuff that's really going to stick to my ribs and fill me up, but I have also found that I don't nearly need it to cover 90% of my plate. I have a much greater variety of plants in each of my meals. The way I eat also seems to fall more in line with the other iconic plant-based medical doctors out there (such as Klaper, Greger, Fuhrman, Barnard). McDougall, as much as I respect the man, seems to be the only one of them who insists on such a large amount of starch.

  9. Karina Jelincich
    Karina Jelincich says:

    Respectfully I would like to say that I appreciate the help Dr. McDougall provides as a physician, however I am alarmed and saddened by the fat prejudice he verbalized. People may be struggling with their weight, however that does not diminish their value as human beings who can contribute to society as much as anyone else. To refer to obese people as disgusting and suggest they cannot be productive is unacceptable.

  10. Keeping it Simple
    Keeping it Simple says:

    I hand out Stretch Island fruit leathers for Halloween. The kids love them and one mom even came back months later and asked me to remind her of the brand so she could get them for her son’s birthday. The only ingredient is fruit!

  11. Elizabeth Heiland
    Elizabeth Heiland says:

    Really needed to hear this rant. I really want to lose weight but was considering if I should stop trying since I've been finding it so stressful. I just had a baby and was very off track while pregnant and have a lot to lose. Thank you Dr. Mcdougall

  12. Meg Morris
    Meg Morris says:

    Glad you didn’t retire. You & Chef AJ have changed my life!! ❤ waving from Beaverton OR. Down 47lbs so far 😊 35 to go, oh how great I feel! Even beat my 20 yr old at tennis 😅. And this 2 years after menopause 😊❤😊❤

  13. Debbie Daymoon
    Debbie Daymoon says:

    The fat-shaming is harming vegans (and not-yet vegans) more than the “fat vegans”. I can’t keep recommending Chef AJ’s channel with content like this. The implication that eating this way gets you perfect health/physique is ridiculously over-simplified and not necessarily true. The chronic lifestyle diseases may improve or reverse of course, but that’s not all that people suffer from. I find this more alienating and disappointing than inspiring. 😢

  14. Kathleen Phillips
    Kathleen Phillips says:

    I wish I did not have to take my Synthroid levothyroxine med for the rest of my life. I had a complete thyroidectomy in 2017 due to Thyroid cancer. Problem is I’ve been vegan for many years and love me my cruciferous veggies like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts which I heard interfere with the thyroid medicine. I love nuts, seeds, avocados, apples and other fruits but not much of a starch eater like rice or potatoes but after listening to this video I may try to incorporate them into my diet.

  15. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    I have to get something off my chest AJ… In January I was listening to mcdougall's argument about why we shouldn't be doing mammograms. I had a mammogram scheduled for the next day and almost cancel it for the second time. I'm 50 years old and never had one… My husband urge me not to cancel it after listening to McDougal's opinion on your channel. They found I had breast cancer. Thankfully caught it at stage one. After the mastectomy it was found to be invasive and made its way to one lymph node. It's an aggressive type and I would have been in a lot of trouble had I not gone when I did. I wouldn't be here for my 55th birthday.. that's for sure. So grateful I decided to disregard his opinion and get the mammogram. Annual mammograms save people's lives! I will never rely on my healthy diet to keep me from getting sick with cancer. I've been a high vegan for 17 years… And I still got f******cancer.

  16. Qettesh
    Qettesh says:

    We're comparing WW2 to global boiling. I don't think there is a comparison. I used to do climate science but left because corporations and our government stressed me out! I'll just let you all have your good feelings and positive notes but we are beyond passing on the torch. I feel when people say things like that, they have no idea…

  17. pete49327
    pete49327 says:

    I cook my potatoes every single day in the microwave and they turn out perfect for me. Fast and easy. Large single sweet potato 8 or 9 minutes, turned over once mid cycle. Smaller red/new potatoes, 2 or 3, about 4 to 6 minutes turned once.

  18. PantaMeowMeow. S.
    PantaMeowMeow. S. says:

    Almost all done with the show. I think the hardest thing to get through your head is that you really do not need to eat as much of the non-.starchy vegetables as you think to have your dietary needs met. Some other authors,/doctors say starch is a wasted food, you need tons of greens, you need to eat 32 (my #) different plant foods a day to be in super health/not get sick/ keel over… I eat some nice green vegies because I like vegetables in general, but the non-starchy vegies are not the bulk of my daily food. When I was listening to the starches make you fat guy, it messed me up. Someone suggested I read his book. I was not at all fat, but it brought me over to the dark side again (eating ice cream and cookies). The other guy p'ed me off after hearing his – I saw his face – telling people off for saying Dr. F was … you know, I already am waiting for a strike. He was really angry. I lost all respect for him. I eat tons of bread, oats, starchy vegies and I'm fine.

  19. Shirley Sealy
    Shirley Sealy says:

    The only way to save the planet is to plant as many trees as each person can.if you don't have a back garden plant trees in public places. God made this earth covered with beautiful forests but man has cut down far too many.

  20. rommelfcc
    rommelfcc says:

    Yes yes the carbon capture machines 😆😂😆 🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴🌴🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴🌴🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴 🏡 🌴🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴🌴🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴🌴🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴🌴


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