Don't Tell Your Kids About Carnivore!

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In this video, Amy and I will cover her recovery from advanced kidney disease, her struggles with sugar, and how to talk to your …

2 replies
  1. @KatrinaT
    @KatrinaT says:

    Our household is very similar. I don't push carnivore on anyone but like she said, I am only making meat so that's what's easiest for them to eat. The kids eat more like paleo at home because I don't keep processed sweets in the house but the kids can choose fruit that they want and they can make potatoes or rice to go with the meat I have made. One of my daughters is more like me in her sensitivity to milk and grains, and she is more on board with carnivore now that she sees the benefits. She slimmed down, her skin cleared up, her energy improved and her neck muscles stopped hurting.
    I agree that it helps to make carnivore more palatable for them. I make meals like Asian chicken and make a sort of LoMein sauce or Chicken Enchiladas and add enchilada sauce and mozzarella. I make carnivore pizza, bacon burgers, buffalo chicken drumsticks… I just try to think of meals we used to eat and make them work for carnivore. Probably dirty carnivore… but better than a SAD diet.

  2. @NourishmentRedacted
    @NourishmentRedacted says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation! The lesson and importance of forgiveness is something I still struggle with… when the kids eat non-carnivore– heck, even non-keto/low carb I beat myself up like I failed. Thanks, Amy and Richelle for the encouragement


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