DOLLAR TREE GROCERY SHOP & HAUL | Dollar Tree Budget Meal Plan | Extreme Grocery Haul

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Looking for a way to eat well on a budget? Look no further! In this video, I’m sharing with you my Dollar Tree budget meal plan.

48 replies
  1. PeggiesCraftCafe
    PeggiesCraftCafe says:

    Personally not a fan of Dollar Tree but for those that have no or little financial choice(or store options)this was really good. Variety and way better than ramen noodles every single meal. You did it again Christine.

  2. Brandette W.
    Brandette W. says:

    Nope, my son would most definitely answer the same as your son regarding the Europe trip. He would not be interested in the slightest. I buy cases of the Sam's or Costco canned chicken for our food storage. It is great in things like chicken salad sandwiches, chicken pot pie or even chicken noodle soup. But, I wouldn't use it in something "fresh" like a stir fry. The soft almost shredded consistency isn't right for those applications.

  3. Cynthia
    Cynthia says:

    Make him go anyway. He'll thank you later! All 3 of my teens have. (Also, I need u to do a live stream so I can ask you about a certain high-profile trial going on around your parts.)

  4. Lisa Miller
    Lisa Miller says:

    He's going to kick himself in the pants someday! Hopefully, at that point, he will be well enough established that he will see the error of his ways and treat you to a tour of Europe himself! Kids will be kids. There's never any rhyme or reason. Hang in there! Gotta love 'em.

  5. Jenni Van Hart
    Jenni Van Hart says:

    Both of my kids would jump at the chance, even though they'd pretend they didn't know me the entire trip…… And honestly even if they were less than enthused about it I would sign them up. They would NEVER regret the experience and will be talking about it for the rest of their lives. I traveled internationally as a high schooler (without my parents), each trip gave me something different and I wouldn't change a thing.

  6. Miss Betty
    Miss Betty says:

    Are those patties even beef? Do you even know what’s in them?
    I think you should steer people away from crap like this. For gods sake. Use a half pound regular ground beef. At least you know it’s meat not meat slurry

  7. carey marie
    carey marie says:

    This was a fun video, and really helpful. Love to see more.. That all made a good amount and the price was right. I know there are many ways to buys food, prepare food, shop sales, save money and so on, but this is another option for folks. Just another option among many. Sometimes it isnt just about cost cutting, but also working on availability. Getting creative helps. Would it be my maintstay? no. Is it something I try to do when I pop in to DT? Definitely. I love when they have enough goodies available to put together a meal. Big fan of the Pampa Gnocci (1 tray makes a lot, works with everything), the taco sauce, and stir fry veg. Not as a meal, just individual components that I like to pick up when I am in area. Even if it is just for something different to try. I like the challenge of making a meal from what is in front of me, and that includes what is at a store like DT or DollGen. You know exactly how much something is going to cost, just limited to individual store offerings. Obs this isn't for everyone.

  8. lori Burgess
    lori Burgess says:

    As a mostly Whole Foods kinda person, I get a little put off by what is on the shelves a Dollar Tree. I’m sure this video will be inspiring to a large group of people.
    I love your channel and appreciate your content.

  9. GippyWhite
    GippyWhite says:

    This isn’t a dollar tree related comment, but I had a major victory that I wanted to tell you about. I was at my Kroger while they were reducing the prices of things in the bakery department and for the first time EVER, or at least the 18 years that I’ve lived here, they finally had ONE package of naan bread that they reduce the price on. Of course, I grabbed it! That was HUUUGE!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 And… something is very wrong with your son. 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry! 💙💙💙

  10. cindyjuddburns
    cindyjuddburns says:

    I'll go on the trip with you! When I turned 16, my school was offering a trip to Italy. My parents said my birthday present could be either the trip or a piano. I had been wanting a piano for years, like since I was 10. I took the piano. At the time, I didn't regret it. I had the piano for many years and it came with me when I got married. Unfortunately, none of my children were interested in learning to play. At one point, we were strapped for cash so my parents "bought" the piano and it moved back into their home. So, I still got to play (badly – I was never much good but I didn't care). Even now, years later, I still think I made the better choice at 16. I still want to go to Europe some day. Ireland is the one thing left on my bucket list but I wouldn't say no to side trips to England, Wales, France, Greece, Italy, and Spain.

  11. Christie Godfrey
    Christie Godfrey says:

    I worked 3 jobs between my junior and senior year to safe enough money to go on a 12 day trip to Italy my senior year of high school… one of the best experiences of my life!

  12. Sharon Wilson
    Sharon Wilson says:

    I traveled to Europe with a school group when I was a Junior in high school. My parents didn’t go but some of my friend’s parents went. My French teacher and a college professor were our tour guides. It was a great experience and very educational.

  13. Still Single Stephanie
    Still Single Stephanie says:

    I usually keep homemade meatballs in the freezer, but when I run out I use the frozen burger patties with Italian seasonings and it’s delicious! Mine always take too long on the stovetop, so I just throw them in the Instant Pot and it works out well.

  14. SINGER
    SINGER says:

    Gurl you got me goin to dollar tree to pick up some of these items! A lot of their grocery items are name brand too! And especially with groceries being so dam expensive, you have to shop reasonable these days. And I've always wondered if their groceries would be to my liking. Imma try 'em! Thank You so so much!👍

  15. Steff L
    Steff L says:

    I'm sad the Boo Berry ended up there! It was my favorite of the monster cereals when I was a kid. EVERYONE loves Count Chocula, but the Boo doesn't get enough love!


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