Does the SHAPE of Pasta Make a Difference?

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48 replies
  1. Not Your Orphan
    Not Your Orphan says:

    That space looks beautiful guys! Eva has Harper subjected you to trying the classic American school lunch pizza hack yet? In other words, dipping pizza in Hidden Valley Ranch? Those school lunch pizzas were kind of like Pizza al taglio…if Pizza al taglio were made in prisons lol. I wonder if there's any way to make Ranch gourmet. Anyway, hope you have safe travels back to the states! Thanks for all the cooking lessons ❤. We made Pan D'Arancio last week and it was incredible 🤗.

  2. Larry Hatch
    Larry Hatch says:

    The Chinese invented pizza many centuries before Neapolitan pizza. The Arabs invented spaghetti. Therefore by definition, all Italian pizza and spaghetti is inauthentic, fake, and a cultural reappropriation. Come on guys, if you enjoy a recipe whether it comes from Giada or Gordon you like it. The Italian parliament had to pass a law requiring pizza sauce to actually contain tomatoes and oil olive to be made from olives and not be just green-colored vegetable oil. It's not like Italy is some pure, perfect, food culture. Your buddy Vincenzo says his mother in Abruzzo made him spaghetti with meatballs so why do all you "it's not real Italian" youtubes claim spaghetti with meatballs in some American invention?

  3. Dimitris Papadimitriou
    Dimitris Papadimitriou says:

    In Greece in the island of Kasos where my mother's family is from they make the same pasta with the same name, "Macarunes" and serve it with a local cheese sauce made from sheep+goat cheese called Sitaka and topped with fried onions. It is the most traditional dish there. Makes sense since the island used to be occupied by the venetians back in the day. Love the videos

  4. darian roscoe
    darian roscoe says:

    Just wanted to say that I watched you in the video with Vincenzo the other day or Subscribed to his channel. I agree with his way of making sauce and meatballs but, honestly, the man just has to stop whining about every little thing. He likes to puree his tomatoes, the one cook like his tomatoes chunky. Cut his pasta to eat? Do you have to twirl it? NO! There is no right or wrong way, just eat it! This is what I wrote him: One of my parents twirled their pasta, one twirled using a spoon and I've always cut my spaghetti up, but we all enjoy it cooked the right way. I've even cooked pasta in my pressure cooker and it turned out fine. He whined and whined and whined about it. Anyway, there is more to life than how you eat your pasta, and he has to learn that. I once had an Italian chef tell me that Macaroni and Cheese, made in my family for four generations, wasn't Italian. Well, that's where it came from, so yes it is. The point is, who gives a damn? Cook it properly and enjoy it. I'll give him one more episode. If the whining doesn't stop just because things are done differently than him, then I'll unsubscribe. I have better things to do. Love you guys.

  5. Daniela Biscaro
    Daniela Biscaro says:

    Che bella ricetta Eva!!! Dovro' scavare in garage per trovare un qualcosa adatto per attorciliare la pasta! Ma i ceci qui in America dove li trovi? Perche' io li trovo solo in scatola. Si possono usare lo stesso per la salsa? Grazie e un forte abbraccio a te e Harper!!😀😀😀😀….Ma sono trofie o no? Perche' sembrano similar ma piu' lunghe!

  6. HI
    HI says:

    Eva,I thought your husband was the Willy Wonka Guy. There is a video trending with a guy who looks exactly like your husband. it took me a minute until wI realized that's not the pasta grammar Guy a closer look and not really. Check it out. Its funny kind of.

  7. Papa Shaf
    Papa Shaf says:

    Hi, this question goes out to Eva and I hope I am not being rude. I was wondering if the tattoo's on your finger's were the beginning of something and you stopped or am I just misinterpreting them?

  8. Bunny L
    Bunny L says:

    Question for Ava: do you know much about Ticino/their cuisine? My family is from near the southern border of Ticino (Aurigeno, specifically) and I would love to learn more about their food since my Nonni and Toto did not pass down much of that.

    Love all of your videos!! By far my favorite YouTube channel.

  9. Aaron Williams
    Aaron Williams says:

    I'm not convinced yet, why is the filei/maccarruna so much better with this chickpea dish? sigh, I agree though, it's obvious that pasta shapes do different things, like picking up more or less sauce. I couldn't find the link to your video about the best shape though, i'm sure I"ll find it eventually.

  10. PhilosophicalDance
    PhilosophicalDance says:

    I'm not sure why people would think pasta shape doesn't matter, even when it comes to choosing between things like penne and spaghetti. Mouthfeel is an incredibly important part of our eating experience. A really long thin pasta, versus a short, shaped pasta leads to different experiences.

  11. Thomas Mandell
    Thomas Mandell says:

    Its criminal that you guys dont have 1 Mil+ subs. My daughter is 6 years old and she pretends to be Eva from Italy – its really cute. She pretends to hate donuts… but secretly lives them.

  12. Roxanne
    Roxanne says:

    Love the new background and new choice in music! I took a cooking class at Osteria Santa Domenica in Taormina and the owner taught me how to make that pasta shape. Super easy to make! Can't wait to try the chickpea and tomato sauce, yum!


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