Do I care about the animals I eat? #carnivorediet #animalbased #keto #ketomeals #ketorecipes #meat

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9 replies
  1. Sugoi Harris
    Sugoi Harris says:

    Why would I feel guilty eating my biologically appropriate food? Do lions feel guilty for hunting? Do sharks? No. Why should I?

    Of course animals should be treated well before they are killed, no one argues against that, but there is a wide gap between “animals should be treated well” and “feel guilty for eating what your body needs.”

  2. 💅Pansexual Emily💅
    💅Pansexual Emily💅 says:

    It makes Mel augh their mind omg animals need be not eaten or kill but also they're ones probably step on ants and bugs without caring
    They do know animals eat animals yes were humans but also mammals so were somewhat animals so yeah plus they don't care if we just stop eating meat that the animal kingdom will become so bad and off animals be taking over places and yeah then they go welll just move them yeah but if we move them out of their habit that they can survive in they would die if we eat all plants in world it end up killing animals that eat them

  3. Adrianus Hale
    Adrianus Hale says:

    What about all of the food we eat, like vegetation, that the animals need? I agree, they should be killed correctly and painlessly. And that they are here for us to use. We are here to care for the animals and the land. I feel like without us, the animals would become sick and hurt, making them feel pain and suffer longer. Things like offspring being stuck can kill the mother and the babies. My teacher does cattle and has had to help the mother with babies that have gotten stuck or have trouble. She’s sadly had to end the life of a mother who was going to die and suffer longer without help. The baby was saved and grew up healthy. But it pains me to think how much pain her and the calf would feel without my teachers help. Even if she did have to die, it was a quick gunshot in the right place so she would die quick and painless.

  4. Michael De La Zerda
    Michael De La Zerda says:

    Yep👏👏👏 we have a buddy that raises "wooly pigs", we split the cost of a whole steer with him and by his pigs regularly. It's wonderful to know where your meat comes from and how they're raised…
    We butcher ourselves

  5. Noah Stone
    Noah Stone says:

    Considering that a majority of the world's crops are fed to livestock, more animals will be killed to produce animal feed than to produce plants for human consumption. Veganism is about reducing the unnecessary death and suffering of animals, not eliminating it all together which would be impossible.

  6. Kelsey
    Kelsey says:

    We buy to have the year 1/2 in the spring/summer for grilling… And the other half in the fall for winter briskets and roasts!
    Super excited though we have a Covered porch now so we can do some grilling in the winter as well


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