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Ben is sticking food wherever he can around our property, including trees that will feed us and our animals in the future. Today’s …

29 replies
  1. The Makita Man
    The Makita Man says:

    Can I ask a serious question. You have stuff literally just everywhere, why don’t you spend a day just organising and cleaning up.
    I’ve watched you videos for ages and I’ve always wondered why.

  2. Scatters Homestead
    Scatters Homestead says:

    Both these topics are awesome! I’m in the middle of integrating more eatable trees and shrubs into my landscape and I absolutely love knitting. Any hand work really! So relaxing!
    Great work Meg! Beautiful shawl!!!!

  3. Tommie Lou Rogers
    Tommie Lou Rogers says:

    Ben, As a former landscaper, surely you remember the old adage, that a $5.00 tree in a $50.00 hole is worth much more than a $50.00 tree in a $5.00 hole!!! Give all your trees the best holes that you can dig.
    For future reference, if you plant the chestnut trees near the pigs, the pigs will fertilize the roots of the chestnuts and the pigs will eat the chestnuts that fall into their pens. The best and most expensive Pork in the world is fed on chestnuts.
    Meg, that shawl is exquisite! Please show us a close up look at the lacy pattern.

  4. Dawn Barse
    Dawn Barse says:

    Wow Meg that is a very beautiful shawl, I had Aunts that crochet and knitted and they have passed I still have Doily's and some afghans that they made you are very talented. Love all that y'all do your homestead is beautiful and the cover tree's will look nice Ben y'all need some privacy lol take care and many blessings to y'all


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