Delicious Vegan Pulled Oyster Mushroom Banh Mi Style Sandwich

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Let me introduce you to my new favorite sandwich! This delicious Vegan Pulled Oyster Mushroom Banh Mi! The inspiration: …

29 replies
  1. Mark Beazley
    Mark Beazley says:

    Looks amazing! Nicely done! I’m always a bit intimidated by mushrooms because I’m not sure about cleaning them before use. Do these kind need to be washed or anything? I’ve heard that water can ruin the texture… anyways, shout out to Campbell 🙂 I went to elementary through high school there. Nice to see more videos coming!

  2. Fuzzy Spork
    Fuzzy Spork says:

    I'm obsessed with banh mi! I keep pickled carrots and daikon in the fridge all the time. I also use mushrooms and walnuts to make a pate (the mushrooms go a little further, haha). Sometimes I use brined, grilled tofu, but just the other ingredients make an amazing sandwich!

  3. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    Also, I am really glad you are finding some you in visiting different cities and people – I am sure this is something which will help you build a new (maybe more exciting or fulfilling?) life for yourself <3
    Lots and lots of love Michael! Have a great end of the week!

  4. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    Thank you for including these little imperfect clips – I am sure it is probably not easy to genuine on camera since you put it up for quite some people to watch but it is very much appreciated!

  5. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    I have never been big on sandwiches like that – I rather go for simple ones for brekkie than more complex versions for any other meal. Having said that, these flavours sound amazing! The only thing I would do differently is the mushrooms since I fell in love with Derek Sarno's (Wicked Kitchen) pressed mushroom technique and oyster clusters are just AMAZING for it! It is a much more time-consuming process but so worth it 😀

  6. Chef Santa Cooking Travels
    Chef Santa Cooking Travels says:

    Wow that is a sexy sandwich, everything goes together the mushrooms really looked good but I would like them a little firmer and crunchier maybe put them in a bowl with some seasonings a little bit of soy sauce and then put him in an air fryer. But that sandwich I give it 10 stars not five stars. Now this hurts my heart to say this but I have to my friend I love your personality I love the way you are in the kitchen but the last couple videos that personality has not been there. All I'm going to say is I will be praying for you and I'm sending a big polar bear hug to you. ✌💖💪🌈👏🎅🚌👍🌻


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