Debunk A Vegan On His Birthday Livestream!

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Do you think you’ve got the facts or logical arguments to debunk veganism? Or do you want to defend people like Joe Rogan or …

21 replies
  1. meadow
    meadow says:

    Hey Ryan might be a good idea to do a video about the Gordon Ramsay lamb video, it’s gone viral. Good time to talk about vegan principles. And happy bday!

  2. Fu Man Poo
    Fu Man Poo says:

    I will stand up for Johnny Bravo who got his gun…I don't give a beefy crap if you hate the military…it's because of folks like Bravo we can eat at Taco Bell without having to order speaking Russian.

  3. Lex365
    Lex365 says:

    The human body will try to deal with whatever you throw at it, or more specifically what you throw in it.

    I’ve seen a guy who ate nothing but potatoes for a year. Guys who eat nothing but beef. Guys who eat nothing but fruit and salad. I’ve even seen a woman in the UK who for years ate nothing but chips (crisps in the UK), and a guy who could eat nothing but pizza.

    What you can deduce from this is that human beings are omnivores who can survive (not thrive) on a very wide variety of foods. Lions will starve without meat. Cows will starve without grass. We can survive on just meat, just potatoes, just fruit, or just pure garbage. When you understand that you can understand that your body is constantly trying to find an equilibrium with what you are giving it. This is why veganism works. The same reason why carnivore works. I don’t think either are optimal, but they both work because we have the bodies to make them work.

  4. Dr. Bear
    Dr. Bear says:

    Thanks for the livestream, Ryan! 😊 My husband and I wear masks everywhere, and we haven't caught COVID yet either. 😷 Hope you have a fun birthday! I turned 29 last week too 😊🎂🥳

  5. V364N S7R0N6
    V364N S7R0N6 says:

    I like how everyone was getting so offended and defensive when I asked my simple question tonight. Lol
    "How does a vegan justify joining a group(US military) that thrives in unjust wars and exploitation of humans?"
    The military is in the business of killing. The opposite of being vegan.
    I was in the Marine Corps…It's the biggest gun cult there is. Lol


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