Day 4 – January Potato Challenge #spudfit #potatoreset

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I’m eating just potatoes for the entire month of January with SpudFit Andrew Taylor and fellow Spuddies! My 100 lb Weight Loss Story: …

37 replies
  1. dj121
    dj121 says:

    Two questions: 1) have you ever felt sick after eating potatoes, like getting nauseous or vomitting or feeling like you wished you hadn't eaten them? 2) do you have any issues with eating gluten grains or any gluten free grains?

  2. hunterk1111
    hunterk1111 says:

    Way to go on your challenge. We sure can do things that aren’t good for us many days in row but we don’t often count those, do we?? I am now counting my unhealthy days instead to learn where I’m going wrong / what’s driving it. Kind of like starting a budget – we need to know where money is going before we change strategy.

  3. Suzannah Troy
    Suzannah Troy says:

    Congratulations! Walking is excellent! It's great if you keep it up if you need to do a variation he says in his video instructions that's OK. Take good care of you and those dogs are so precious!!!!

  4. Laura L Vegan
    Laura L Vegan says:

    You really seem to be finding your groove. You look and sound more upbeat and have more energy. You must also feel proud knowing you’ve made it through ANOTHER day. That feeling can make a difference and carry you through. Good for you!πŸ‘

  5. Suzannah Troy
    Suzannah Troy says:

    Thank you I love that tip! I'm in pursuit of crunch. (my brain is so tired it's super hard tonight to communicate right think you'll get the idea.) Here in New York there's two companies Cascadian Farm and I think it's called 365 whatever I get there hashbrowns with no oil and I cook them I saw how you put down that brown paper then I put my hashbrowns and I put the brown and then I close my Breville. I just stole that from you and I love it. So I just wanted hashbrowns and "Alexa" has one oil free BUT it has "yeast autolysis" and when I start heating it it smells?????? I tried another bag and again when it starts heating up it gives off this odor! Ugh.

    Have you ever had something like that? I'm laughing but it's kind of out of horror (small scale horror)

  6. Mel McKane
    Mel McKane says:

    Thank you! You have no idea how much I appreciate you recording these, I am not alone, and it makes it so much easier. Even watching you brave winter walks in old vids motivates me to get outside!


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