Date Sugar, Baby Formula, & Plant Milks – WYW Live Hangout Ep 167

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We had so much fun on today’s hangout! First, we discussed date and the difference between date sugar, powder, and syrup.

30 replies
  1. @rebekahlopez7212
    @rebekahlopez7212 says:

    I purchased the Date powder and Dressings bundle in December; I love everything that I have tried so far.
    The Date powder is a game changer for my daily oatmeal…just the right amount of sweetness.

  2. @lilo4784
    @lilo4784 says:

    I am 30 and need to plan ahead to have a baby but don’t know what prenatals are safe as Dr Greger says vitamin a supplements have vitamin a and T Colin Campbell said vitamin a supplements cause lung cancer so why do prenatals contain something detrimental also I don’t want a deficiency but zinc supplements decrease iron absorption and 60mg of iron is reached with 800g chickpeas I am whole foods plant based with Cornell University plant based certification (6week course) but have chest pains but doctor said my heart ultrasound is nothing there I am so confused as I don’t know if I wasn’t absorbing my cynocobalamin so switched to Methylcobalamin and eat dates every day and can’t live without dates to help me sleep and reduce anxiety- also I can’t find a prenatal without oil and am unsure why I’m getting crushing chest pain if I’m not eating anything processed no nut butters only 1 tbsp of linwoods Brazil nuts no bread or dried fruit with oils not a single drop of oil and certified gluten free food as even rice makes me physically sick and unable to eat I cannot eat any revel contaminated with gluten and eat Biona chickpeas as they have zero salt and sugars I have been in a stressful situation being stalked so maybe my chest pain is from my court case not the food? Is there any way to prevent crushing chest pain with specific foods beetroot seems to help but I’m terrified of having chest pain if I get pregnant

  3. @smallfootprint2961
    @smallfootprint2961 says:

    Your way of simplifying this wonderful food is really helping me, as I am still on a walker healing from a broken leg/hip. Doing well, but I do have osteoporosis, as a result of eating a high protein eating plan for years , trying to lose weight. yo yo ing up and down. Now… had to add back some almonds, and avocado to slow down the weight loss. I love my food, and you make it easy to get what I need as I limp my way back to "normality." Thank you.

  4. @lilysgram5886
    @lilysgram5886 says:

    You are 100% right. It takes years to put it on but we want to take it off overnight. Human nature I guess.
    I pay attention to the quality of the food. I have been successful on WW but I don’t like how members
    only care about what the point value is. They eat a lot of processed foods which keeps them “ hooked”.


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