Crucial Information That Is Important to Save!

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32 replies
  1. Leslie Smith
    Leslie Smith says:

    Its not even solely about hobbies and interests anymore is it? Its fully about preservation and being able to maintain skills no longer common. I mean how is being able to do basic handiwork around the house or provide basic needs for your family not common anymore. Its very sad for the future generations.

  2. linda chandler
    linda chandler says:

    In a very old dictionary, many years ago, i read the definition of a lady. It said a woman who tries to keep those around her comfortable. Today it says 1. A woman. 2. A woman of superior social position. I have tried many times since to find an old enough dictionary to say what I originally read.

  3. Shae Nickerson
    Shae Nickerson says:

    Oh you are so correct!! I have been purging items that I can live without and going to thrift stores to get OLD books. I have my grandma's old cookbooks from the depression. You can find amazing books!

  4. Dawn Chapman
    Dawn Chapman says:

    just a suggestion, i volunteer at a thrift store, we get in tons (yes, literaly tons) of old books. unfortunately we are unable to shelve all of them, or sell all the ones that are out on the sales floor. so, we have a huge green dumpster just for paper, and cardboard. ask the owners and look to see if there are any you need. free knowledge and still saving the environment. dumpsters…they're a good thing.

  5. Samantha Hoffman
    Samantha Hoffman says:

    I too am a book saver! It all started with my Gramma many years ago. When she passed I inherited all her books! I've never been a book worm, enjoying a good novel with a cup of tea on a cold day. However I LOVE OLD COOKBOOKS as well as gardening, how to's, DIY and medicinal herb books. As usual, your video today was very informative and inspirational! Thank you!! Looking forward to your next one!!

  6. Irish Eyes
    Irish Eyes says:

    This is the only channel I trust for cooking even if its only boiling veg. Honestly there are many out there that buy stuff from the shop and pretend they have made it themselves.

  7. adnamA baaN
    adnamA baaN says:

    We love raiding Thrift Shops for older books! My husband always grabs books for our vehicles, how to for home construction, army survival guides, and how to fixes. We always grab gardening books, and cookbooks from churches/depression. We have a 3 8ft book cases filled with books and my daughter has her own library in her room…. We have thousands of books, both fiction and nonfiction.

    We have been discussing creating a book exchange box by our street….see if we can't get more people reading from something other than their phones or tablets!

  8. Birchtree22
    Birchtree22 says:

    Your saved books look like my saved books. My favorites are "when there is no doctor" and "when there is no dentist". I've got old 1950s woodcraft books from my father, and my own circa 1980s collections of plant ID books.

  9. Woodsie
    Woodsie says:

    Indeed! I print so much and am planning to go through and put the theinformation in a binder! Its always a part of my prepping! You've talked about truth but I have learned that a lot of the history we were taught in school has been lies. The dystopian world we are in now has actually brought about truth to us BabyBoomers. The Book of Revelation has said this will happen. That being said, encyclopedias may be wong too. Of course that's what we used for information and wrote essays and so forth from. Bessings to you and all your subscribers! πŸ₯°

  10. Wanda Arnt
    Wanda Arnt says:

    Yes I think about how books were removed, Churches, Education, and on and on , I hold on to God’s Word and try to do my best , excellent tutorial . Cheers from Pennsylvania Blessings πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽšπŸŽšπŸŽš

  11. nature woman
    nature woman says:

    Hi everyone, may ishare a YouTuber her name is Barbara O'Neil she is amazing full of knowledge to help heal the body etc…she is well known but some may not of heard of her, she does run classes all over the world, but has had some trouble with the authorities trying to shut her up.

  12. The Wooden Spoon
    The Wooden Spoon says:

    Oh Bev! This video is EXCELLENT information!! I collect informative books from back in the day!! A set of 1960’s encyclopedias, a dictionary from 1960’s and one from 1980’s, numerous books on crafting,gift making, soap making. Books on sewing and home repairing. Books on home canning, cookbooks galore, dehydrating, books on growing our own food, survival books, books on using and growing herbs, tinctures and ointments. And it goes on and on. I have my library up and growing but after this video I will be even adding more! You gave me more ideas. Thank you for the boost. Brilliant!

  13. judy wright
    judy wright says:

    I love this. I was just thinking the same things just 2 days ago. I have all kinds of books people say why don't you get rid of all those old books?? I am hoping someday when I am gone and my family no longer has me to call on how to do things they will use these books. I love my books and still love to learn how to do things (especially the old ways and how things were done when there were not all these modern electric tools or all this teck stuff.) If the electric is off for one day most people go a little crazy

  14. Karin Judge
    Karin Judge says:

    A person is easily controlled if dependent on certain things. Books can be vauble. But certain things in books and the things taught to us via the school system are not true. We have been lied to on so many things. πŸ™

  15. Catherine Benner
    Catherine Benner says:

    I have 2 full sets of encyclopedias, one from 2004 and the other from 1972. When I was in grade school science class, we were given an assignment to find a not commonly known animal to our area to report on. I flipped through the encyclopedia pages and found the jerboa. Being born in North America, this tiny "kangaroo" looking mouse from "…the dry areas in Africa, Asia, and eastern Europe…" was perfect. The 1972 edition had a photograph with clear identifying features. The 2004 edition has an artist drawing that looks identical to the North American kangaroo rat. Sadly the 2004 edition also has a LARGE number of omissions of important facts in order to elaborate on areas that needed no extra "adjectives." I wouldn't trade my 1972 edition for nuttin. I need to thin my library but not of those.

  16. Lori Lumax
    Lori Lumax says:

    I totally agree with you.. I have quite a large library of books including and encyclopedia with medical encyclopedia collection as well as natural healing books and … my family has a museum that houses our set of Popular Mechanics.. the same set you have… and all of my grandparents books I am with you about this… I agree

  17. Christie Pyle
    Christie Pyle says:

    I have a huge library, and I love it! I have no intention of ever owning a Kindle because of the ability to change info/ content to meet the agenda of whomever is making the changes. I have an American History book from the late 1800's and the info in that book is amazing and COMPLETELY different from what is being taught today. I love collecting old books and Bibles in different languages (Even though I can't read anything other than English!🀭). Keep up the good info Bev as so many people need to hear this!
    I have notebooks filled with good info I have written out over the years, and printed A LOT of good info. My husband has always said this: you can't change what's in print! So very true!

  18. Chris B
    Chris B says:

    I have always had a large library. I taught my daughter and grandchildren books are precious. I have many how to books, especially canning and sewing. I'm not the best in my older age at mechanical things, but I still paint, wallpaper, and can lay tile. I learned all of these skills from my grandmother and mother. I am thankful that I can read and follow directions. I have been a medical person for 50 years and have always said to new medical personnel, learn to be flexible and learn to perfect your human skills so that when the machines fail you know how to function. Many have laughed!! I know how to improvise. Be prepared for some medical emergencies. Thanks Mrs. Volfie for reminding us of the essentials.


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