CrockPot Beef Stew — Fast and Easy

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CrockPot Beef Stew — Fast and Easy We appreciate all of our friends on YouTube. We would love to hear from you. Our Email address is: …

21 replies
  1. Flour, Eggs and Yeast
    Flour, Eggs and Yeast says:

    Marie, this looks so good. I love stews that simmer in the crockpot. We need to do it more often. I just love the way the house smells with the aroma that day. Wishing you and Calvin a great week. Kindly, Theresa and Cam

  2. Jannie227
    Jannie227 says:

    My slow cooker says to put veggies that take the longest on the bottom such as carrots and meat on the top as it takes less time to cook than the veggies overall. That was new info for me at the time as we always put the meat in first. No wonder my mom's pork chops were always "well done". LOL

  3. Vernie Max
    Vernie Max says:

    The beef stew looks delish! Love the story of Calvin at the grocery store! I use scissors myself when cutting celery at times as well as green onions, makes it so easy. Hope you and Calvin have a great week!! Take care and God Bless!!!

  4. Debbie's Kitchen
    Debbie's Kitchen says:

    Looks good Marie. I have never made this in a slow cooker before. I used to make it on the stove top years ago when I still lived at home with my parents and everyone loved it. My brother used to buy what I needed for me to make a big pot so he could take it to work for functions.. His co-workers always requested me to make it. Cute story about Calvin. My Daddy used to work at grocery stores and that is how he supported us. Momma worked in retail till she got a welding job at the shipyard in Va. I worked for Publix Supermarket for almost 11 years.

  5. Martha Holcomb
    Martha Holcomb says:

    Exactly, young love! I sure miss those precious moments. My husband at the age of 14, drove a transport for his dad's. I thought that was awful young to drive a big truck at his age. My husband passed away a year and a half ago, sure do miss him.
    Would love to have a bowl of your beef stew, could smell it from here.

  6. Deborah Giroux
    Deborah Giroux says:

    You know Marie, you have totally inspired me to use my crock-pot again. I have a big and medium sized one and since there's just the two of us I find the smaller just right. I always mean to ask do you folks grow potatoes? All The Best, Deb p.s. The beef stew looked amazing!

  7. Michele Wilson
    Michele Wilson says:

    You're beef stew looks delicious. That's a sweet story about you going to see Calvin at the grocery store, Mr Onion Skinner. Great music choices and editing Mr Calvin. Great job cooking Marie ❤️


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