Crock Pot Swamp Stew with Smoked Sausage.

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They say this dish was born way back in the Cypress Swamps of Lower Alabama. I don’t know about all of that. My first experience …

45 replies
  1. teri candeloro
    teri candeloro says:

    This sounds so good and my hubby just loves one pot dinners! Will def be trying it right along with that SLAP seasoning as soon as I order it. Thanks for sharing another Deep South recipe. I’m from NYC, so all these recipes are very new to me! 🙋🏻‍♀️❤️

  2. Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee says:

    That looks SO yummy!!! I LOVE Cumin and put tons of it all over my Nachos when I make them. Me too! LOVE celery, and onions, and peppers, and tomatoes, LOL I might add a few beans in that recipe, as I love beans as well. Dried beans type… Oh, and I always put my crock pot on high for the first hour, then lower the temp for the remaining time.

  3. STANLEY Latty
    STANLEY Latty says:

    Mr. Tom and Kitty Krew, Just commenting to say Hello! Swamp Stew Yummy! Lilibit shure has grown, good to hear she is a Love Bug to her Pappa! Sounded like she is a talker too! Lol Enjoy your dinner and till next time! Much love, Big ol hug, and always God Bless! Stanley and Donna

  4. Bea and Maddy
    Bea and Maddy says:

    Good Evening…..Always love crock pot stews, make them a lot. Sure yours was great, I just can't eat spicy ingredients. Daughter left yesterday. She still wasn't feeling well from the meds they have her on for tennitis (from the covid booster). The meds may or may not help. Hope all is well and have a happy holiday. Went to the yearly parade here yesterday. Stay healthy, wish you well. By the way, see you lost a lot of weight, no more belly. Good for you. Bea 😎👍

  5. L MTB
    L MTB says:

    Not sure what to expect from "swamp stew", but we've been enjoying smoked sausage with meals lately (there's a lot you can do with it), so I thought I'd tune in!

  6. Drive secure 247
    Drive secure 247 says:

    Hey Mr Tom that Stew looks good I have a Crock Pot but just dont use it enough I should because you can put all the stuff in turn it on and go about your business and come back and its ready to eat I even have a Crockpot recipe book oh well need to use it more Stay Safe Take Care !!!

  7. B . Savage
    B . Savage says:

    I've seen slap your mama but never tried it , think I'll give it a whirl . That's one healthy meal . Wow I haven't seen a round crock pot in years 👍

  8. Dawn Gaskill
    Dawn Gaskill says:

    Standing in your kitchen with you is really fun. This little dinner time you share with us is super interesting. I guess that I would put that all over rice. But I haven't seen the whole video yet, maybe you did. Thank you Mr. Tom for letting us all into your warm kitchen.

  9. Candessa O'Kelley
    Candessa O'Kelley says:

    Oh Mr. Tom I see you still have the little Santa 🎅 looking ornament sitting right there on the counter that I sent you last Xmas 🎄 my heart rejoiced when I saw that cuz you still had it that's so sweet you kept it!

  10. Laureen Farrant
    Laureen Farrant says:

    Looks so yummy I'm gonna look for some slap ya mama at my local market but I think I may be disappointed lol. You can beat good comfort food when you come in from the garden.

  11. Mary Gordon
    Mary Gordon says:

    Now MrTom you know that I’m gonna make this my stomach’s hungry for it. Thanks so much and please stay safe and God bless y’all! 😻😻😻👏👏👏🤩🤩🤩💯💯💯☺️☺️☺️❤️❤️❤️

  12. Homegrown 101
    Homegrown 101 says:

    Your recipe looks delicious and filling. Definitely a good dish to throw together on a busy day…Happy Memorial (Decoration) Day to you and other veterans. Thank you for your service!!

  13. kes S
    kes S says:

    This is a swamp that really does need to be drained — right into a large soup bowl! And eaten with (what my kids used to call) "garlic toasties" (Any form of bread that was buttered and topped with garlic, parsley, paprika and sometimes mozzarella cheese and then lightly browned in the oven.)
    It looks so good. And there's so much good nutrition in there. There's so much seasonal stuff that could be tossed in there too. As someone else said, maybe okra? Shrimp? Crayfish? Even corn? Greens? The list could go on and on.
    What a tribute to your Mom's memory. The crock pot that she gave you — still in perfect condition after more than 40 years. You really do know how to take care of things (and kitties), Mr Tom. (Which reminds me: Meant to say that LilyBit seems to be such a good companion for Gracie. I think they provide a lot of welcome fun for each other. It was a good day when she showed up.)

  14. Bob S
    Bob S says:

    when you mixed it up to make it more friendly, you pushed me right next to a tomato. i was sure hoping to meet a nice cute fresh tomato…


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