Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Cake – How to Make Cake in a Slow Cooker

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Because it’s still a hundred degrees outside, Sara experiments with making Pumpkin Spice Cake in the Crock Pot. Get the Crock Pot Pumpkin Spice Cake …

20 replies
  1. Mark
    Mark says:

    I used a Pyrex bowl inside the crock pot (sprayed the bowl with PAM). At the end of the cooking time, I let everything cool before removing the bowl. Then I ran a butter knife around the edge and the cake came out cleanly. I had to increase the temperature to high – it was over an hour on low and I could tell that the cake would never have been cooked within the recommended time. I checked a few times with a toothpick. That said, it was delicious and not much was left of it after the pot luck.

  2. Food Wishes
    Food Wishes says:

    This is perfect for when I want cake, but not right away! 😉  I hope the oppressive heat has broken. That's why I can't leave SF. I'm dying in anything over 65 degrees.  Kidding aside, great idea and beautiful looking recipe!

  3. MP
    MP says:

    I dont own a crock pot….but love the consistency of this cake. …..can u explain how to make this in the oven?….13 x 9 prolly. …350 till toothpick comes out clean?….hook us up…

  4. M Prywatny
    M Prywatny says:

    Mmmmmmm… Looks so yummy… I think I would substitute the oil with applesauce or prune puree. It saves calories, makes it even more moist and gives it more flavor… I bet your house smelled so good while this was cooking.


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