Crock Pot BBQ Meatballs

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#recipes #crockpot #partyfood
Here’s a really easy recipe for Crock Pot BBQ Meatballs. All you need is three ingredients that can be bought from the store. Party sized meatballs, your favorite BBQ sauce and a jar of grape jelly.

All you have to do is put them all in the crock pot and cook on high for 2 hours.

These Crock Pot BBQ Meatballs are a great appetizer to bring to a party. Just bring the whole crock pot with you. Or if you’re having people over, just find a nice spot to plug in the crock pot and you’re all set.

Be sure to put some party forks or toothpicks out so guests can serve themselves.

For more about these meatballs

Food – Drink – Gardening – DIY – Tech

9 replies
  1. Евгения Кондратьева
    Евгения Кондратьева says:

    >>> I love this crock-pot more than I can say. I just wish I actually liked cooking to any degree. But I digress… I had considered the insta pots, but the price tag was much more than I felt was warranted given the fact that I’m not all that interested in spending more time planning and cooking meals. So this seemed like the best option for me. And I’m very happy with my purchase. Especially in the cooler weather, it’s nice to be able to drop something in the crock-pot before leaving for work and know dinner will be ready, but not grossly over cooked, when I return home. My old crock-pot was perfectly functional, but I was lured by the keep-warm feature of this one.

  2. Sabrina Anne
    Sabrina Anne says:

    Adding the grape jelly is interesting. I am definitely going to have to try this….. looks awesome. I love doing crock pot meals on Sundays so this would be good as an appetizer while watching football 🙂


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