COZY ONE POT MEAL IDEAS | Easy Healthy One Pot Meals Gluten Free Plant Based | Winter Cooking

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29 replies
  1. Melissa Meyer
    Melissa Meyer says:

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my dog and running companion back in 2012. To this day when I think about him, I sometimes start to cry. He was 7 years old at the time. It was very sudden and unexpected and I think that is what makes it more difficult. My other dog will bring me a ball when she sees me crying. It can be difficult to get over. At my house it is a high of 25 today. Yesterday we made it above freezing. I am so ready for Spring.

  2. Janice Rigsbee
    Janice Rigsbee says:

    It’s always sad when we lose our fur babies. I was devastated when I had to put my cats down when they got Cat fever I didn’t know until they got real sick that that was even a thing.

  3. Agirl
    Agirl says:

    Great video!! You are such an inspiration and have easy, yummy meals. I cheated over the holidays and then we caught COVID. So I’m struggling to get back on a healthy plant based diet. By cheating, the cravings for junk food is so bad. I regret it so much now. I’m so sorry about your dogs, they are a part of the family and I pray you get through this and remember the wonderful times you had with them.

  4. Christine Wager
    Christine Wager says:

    Sorry for your loss, it is never easy losing a pet. They are our family. I can’t begin to tell you how long it took to stop crying when I lost my babies. I will see them again and so will you❤️🙏🐕🌈

  5. Gigi Alvarado
    Gigi Alvarado says:

    First, From my heart space, my deepest condolences. We had our Pixie girl for 14 years before she died. I know the grief you guys are feeling. 🐕 🌈
    Second, Thank you for sharing and being authentic.
    Third, thank you for coming back to us with continued content and receiving our messages.

  6. Zinapw8
    Zinapw8 says:

    I've been following you for a while now…. I get so happy when I get home from work, turn my TV on to YouTube and then, "Yay!! Miranda made a new video!!!" You are so inspiring for me…. thank you for sharing your meal ideas. You have no idea how much joy you bring to me and your other fans!! 😍🥰

  7. bbqutie17
    bbqutie17 says:

    Miranda, I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved dogs Marcus and Levi. 😔 I had a cat for 21.5 years before I had to let her go. I understand your pain but it will get better. Hang in there…sending positive vibes your way! 💐❤️

  8. Jerrie Anderson
    Jerrie Anderson says:

    Today it got to 59 and sunny, tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 37. The soups looked wonderful and I’m going to make some veggie soup this week. Had some spaghetti with marinara and side of broccoli. It’s one of my grandkids favorites.
    Wishing healing of your heart. It is so hard to lose our fur babies. You know you are in all of our hearts. 🤗


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