Cozy Holiday Chat with Cheryl & Kathy (Compliant Tomato Soup & Homemade Chickpea Cheese for Dinner)

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14 replies
  1. @1auntievenom
    @1auntievenom says:

    Hi Kathy and Cheryl! I am watching the replay as I was still at work when this aired yesterday.
    I can't wait till you post the cheese recipe. I am going to write down the recipe from your video to try while I wait for the cheddar recipe. So cool how versatile it seems… just change the seasoning a bit for a whole different cheese!
    I purchased your diy video today as well as the 2022 video. I am finished with Christmas so I am going to make some gifts for myself! Well, maybe my mom might get lucky. Lol

  2. @dovaillancourt
    @dovaillancourt says:

    Hey Kathy. How can I get this cheese recipe with chickpeas ? Where can I buy the recipe please ?. We are doing a vegan charcuterie board in my family for Christmas and I would love to bring this cheese and impress the heck out of my non vegan family !. Thank you.

  3. @gaBetibu
    @gaBetibu says:

    . . . oh no, no, no, Cheryl, you are absolutely NOT boring….I just luvvv your subdued, yet delightful personality…I really admire your courage to "take over" "the show" when Kathy goes about doing "stuff" that needs doing…just luvvvv you lots, Cheryl…. ❤

  4. @marivonne16
    @marivonne16 says:

    Oh I beg to differ on microwave mug cakes… I’ve been making them for years and they come out perfect! 😋 With my microwave it’s a combo of getting the right amount of moisture in the recipe, and the cooking time. Mine range between 1 min 55 and 2 min 5 sec. Depending on how big a mug. Every second matters.

  5. @gaBetibu
    @gaBetibu says:

    . . . not annoying at all…just luv everything about you two extra-fun gals….also, again, just luvvv Cheryl's absolutely beautiful smile…it lights up the room & cheers me up lots…God Bless You Both So Much… 😊


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