COSTCO VEGAN GROCERY HAUL // Whole Food Plant-Based Weight Loss Grocery Haul

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Time for another Costco Vegan Grocery Haul! We share some of our favourite staples, some occasional buys, and some new-to-us products. Everything is vegan …

21 replies
  1. feasting on goodness
    feasting on goodness says:

    Cheers from a fellow Kingstonian. I didn't know there was a whole food plant based group here! Good to know-was just looking at their FB posts- lots of priceless nuggets. I noticed pics of the Memorial centre opening for in person shopping-woo hoo! They had fallen off my radar during the continuous lockdowns. Sarah (Edible Earth) at Market Square on Saturdays has some great homemade kimchi/ gochujang, black mushrooms, chickory powder-unusual varieties of very healthful greens plus lots of other products-you should check her out sometime. I also get some good organic produce at Farm Boy and oddly enough Loblaws-lol. I do find food costs are crazy now-sadly every store feels like a Costco run now-lol. BTW I don't get Costco's tofu as I've heard all non organic soy is GMO and I've watched Jeffrey Smith's documentary "Secret Ingredient"- scary stuff. Really enjoying your videos- take care.

  2. Mark Cayer
    Mark Cayer says:

    Costco also sells freezers of different sizes don't they?
    With all those frozen veggies you guys must be really good at "Freezer Tetris"!

    It's great that your son (he is 5 right?) feels like he wants to be creative when it comes to what he eats in his WFPB lifestyle. I'm gonna hafta try those PB crunchy bites

  3. Becky B
    Becky B says:

    I love that Oat Milk. I buy 3 or 4 cases per month. During lockdown I ordered through the Costco app. It goes great in coffee and also to make sauces.

  4. Rosemary Kiely
    Rosemary Kiely says:

    Hello Meg, I always enjoy your videos. Dr. Michael Greger recommends sprinkling a tiny amount of mustard seeds on your frozen brocoli. See his 'hacks to cooking brocoli', he gives some brilliant tips for getting the best nutrient value

  5. Colleen Parker
    Colleen Parker says:

    Loved this, you two are hilarious! Oh, and I just made Rierdons creation for my Granddaughters-banana slices with pb and apple. They went crazy for them!! Hope I spelled his name correctly!

  6. Donna
    Donna says:

    Try mixing frozen berries in with some cooked quinoa, pop it in the fridge overnight and the berries will defrost and the juices mix with the quinoa…..makes for a tasty, fruity, chilled breakfast.

  7. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Great that you have bought another Oat milk that's not Oatly because in the UK there's a boycott of Oatly due to bullying and non ethical behaviour towards another Oat milk brand that is UK based and being sued by Oatly for having a similar product. Due to this behaviour I am no longer supporting Oatly because I hate bullying.

  8. David's Allotment
    David's Allotment says:

    Love the Costco haul Plant Fit Meg and Chris. I love your sense of humour. It would be great if you had your own garden and grow your own vegetables and fruits. I know you mentioned in another comment that you weren't that good at it. There's YouTube gardening channels you could subscribe to which give out advice but not all of them will promote veganic gardening. I have my own channel in the UK and focused on veganic gardening even though I haven't put veganic or vegan in the channel name because I have non vegan subscribers and don't want to discourage them from subscribing and viewing my videos.

  9. apple369
    apple369 says:

    I drink a green smoothie everyday and one day I was low on greens so used frozen riced cauliflower to top it up. It was super good and I've added it into my regular smoothie rotation. Sometimes I leave out the greens and do cauliflower, frozen berries, some flax, and water. Yum. And completely unrelated to cauliflower: as a Canadian, whenever I see "Canada A" on our food packaging my mind always says "Canada, eh?" Haha.


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