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44 replies
  1. gardenamateur
    gardenamateur says:

    Laura, could you do a posting on that bean soup you suggested making using the corned beef cooking broth as a base? I am definitely in the market for both corned beef AND that soup!

  2. Kyles45Angel
    Kyles45Angel says:

    Just a bit of history. Not to take away from Laura’s recipe I’m sure it’s delicious. The Irish traditionally ate Pork butt with cabbage as corned beef was too expensive for them to afford. The meat and cabbage are boiled no sauté is involved.

  3. Deborahlee Edwards
    Deborahlee Edwards says:

    For anyone going to make this, peel up a couple of large onions and quarter them and put in with potatoes and carrots, also about four ribs of celery and chunk it up same size as carrots and put in with the others, much more wonderful flavor, put the quartered cabbage in about halfway through the potato’s and rest being done, don’t shred the cabbage,you lose so much flavor by doing this

  4. trublgrl
    trublgrl says:

    "D'ye loike de carned baif dis yair?"
    "Aye, ma, Oy loike it loads."
    "Oye got the farmula from an Eye-talian gorl on de intrenet, y'know."
    "What's dis ye put in de t'ing?"
    "It's caalled 'Flavor'."

  5. tackless
    tackless says:

    I do not care for all of the small pieces of spices all over my corned beef or my cabbage. Soo , I bought a little tea strainer that has a lid that closes. I put the spices in that , then put it in the pot with everything else and Wallah no spices all over everything else. Easy peasy and I found it on eBay for next to nothing.

  6. HaHa HELL
    HaHa HELL says:

    Love everything you cook BUT.. this a Irish meal. It's a slow boil all in one. Adding cabbage after brisket is done. The point taste the cabbage in your food. Vinegar also needs to be added and served with hot mustard. Looked pretty though. I prefer traditional.

  7. Flawed and Beautiful
    Flawed and Beautiful says:

    Lmao. Step 1, Don't rinse meat. Step 2, rinse extra brine from bag straight into the pot. Step 3, fill only with enough water to cover meat…. and everything goes in one pot in stages. Cabbage gets cooked right after removing meat, just long enough to slightly soften. And leftover cabbage soup is awesome, especially for those on a budget that need to make everything stretch as much as possible 😂

  8. FitAussieAngie
    FitAussieAngie says:

    I have never ever made my own corned beef and cabbage, I’ve had it at restaurants, but I’ve never attempted to make it. I love this and I absolutely love your channel Laura, I’ve been subbed to you since you started basically 😍😍


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