Coq au Vin (French chicken stew in red wine sauce)

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Coq au Vin is the well known French chicken stew where chicken pieces are braised in a luscious, glossy red wine sauce with bacon, mushroom and onions.

36 replies
  1. Eliza Jane
    Eliza Jane says:

    Looks delicious, as most of your recipes do Nagi and Dozer. Wondering what I can do to have flavour in it without including mushrooms and onions. I could add one small onion and that's it, certainly not as many as indicated. Mushrooms – eeewww no way Hosea as they say 🙂

  2. Dan Cannon
    Dan Cannon says:

    Nagi, Jean-Pierre would be very proud. Why beef broth with chicken? Are you contrasting three flavors (wine, chicken, and beef)? Looks so amazing (and just so you know – I rarely make mistakes cooking and already know this one is I'm like you – I should be an exec chef.


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