Cooking Like a Dollar Tree Pro | Dollar Tree Dinner Recipe

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I’d consider myself to be a Dollar Tree Pro so come join me as we cook 2 delicious dollar tree dinner recipes. Each recipe is very …

44 replies
  1. Jamie Cee49
    Jamie Cee49 says:

    Great meal ideas. That looked yummy. And if you don't have a Dollar Tree. I'd keep an eye out on sales at your local store. Sometimes they will have good sales.

  2. Nana's Rainbow
    Nana's Rainbow says:

    OK, I can live with that. Dollar Tree means nothing to me and I usually unsubscribe to channels that show me a pile of things they bought there. You showed us a small list of relevant ingredients and went on to show us what you do with it and I could do that from anywhere. Well done, you passed. I remain your subscriber. 💋

  3. Doc Ink
    Doc Ink says:

    Im a big fan of frozen peppers and onions not just from dollar tree one trcik I learned is to tham them under running water then let sit on a couple paper towels to absorb a large bit of that moisture

  4. suzannemomma
    suzannemomma says:

    Love DT back in the day I used to find potstickers. Gave up looking ages ago but used to have a treat with potstickers and spring rolls. $2. And I had to eat it all coz it’s only good fresh…

  5. blacksesamecandies
    blacksesamecandies says:

    Great video! I find pork one of the cheaper meats lately. Though, if people can budget it, I would also suggest going to a nearby grocery mart and picking up bulk meat. You can get an entire chicken for 7 dollars or so and easily get a few meals out of that, especially if you use the carcass for stock/soup. Meat from the dollar tree is the only thing I am a bit weary on.

  6. Olive O'Sudden
    Olive O'Sudden says:

    Please consider cooking your rice ahead of time and chilling it before frying. Cold rice fries so differently than warm or room temperature rice. The flavour and texture is so much better, and you'll get more of those crispy caramelized edges on the rice that you like.😉🍚

  7. allyroo H
    allyroo H says:

    I have always loved DT! My hubby took a management job there and I told him that we are still eating DT meals!!! He gets lists sent to him all the time–He loves that (not really). How spicy is the enchilada sauce because I'm a wimp. You can make so many meals from the ingredients you have–mix and match dinners. Excellent video. More DT please!!

  8. Patty K
    Patty K says:

    At $1.25 for 6 ounces, you paid $3.75 a pound for those poor quality ribs. Prices for pork in the grocery store vary, but a pound of pork in many different forms could have been purchased for that. I know many people rely on Dollar Tree for groceries but they deserve better than the low end foods Dollar Tree sells.

  9. Lisa Ward
    Lisa Ward says:

    When I make stir fry like meals,I call them "skillet scrambles"! Yes,I do those kinds of meals very often. Works great for leftovers,to remake ingredients! Win,win!👍

  10. MariaD T
    MariaD T says:

    Hi Maria, God bless you and your family. Thank you so much for sharing with us this video. Every time I go to YouTube, I look for your videos, specially the ones from one dollar store. Love the recipes, specially the first one. I will totally try it as soon as I can get the Riblets. That one remind me of one of my favorite ones from PR (arroz con gandules y carne de cerdo). Thank you so much. Can't wait for your next dollar store video.
    Maria from CT

  11. T G
    T G says:

    Seriously, I need to get to a Dollar Tree and buy some of those staples to keep in the cupboard, and everything you shared today looks delicious. Thanks for sharing another great video.

  12. Jennifer Rosenthal
    Jennifer Rosenthal says:

    I too hope they don’t raise prices again but given that they had never raised their prices from 1980 something til last year, that was a damn good run. There are some things that are better deals elsewhere but if that is your only store, it’s great to see what can be done with just those options.

  13. Friend
    Friend says:

    I went from a once a week shopper there to maybe once a month for selected things only. I had been spending $100 a month there and now max spent at that store is $5. If they go up again, I hope they go out of business for good. Most of the items they sell are sold cheaper elsewhere. The extreme shrinkflation of their products makes purchases there extremely uneconomical. They treat their customers as uneducated idiots to be fleeced.


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