Cooking Keto With Rocco DiSpirito | The View

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45 replies
  1. curandero verde
    curandero verde says:

    Carnivore OMAD is a natural progression after you do keto for awhile…1 meal a day is super easy on highly nutrition & satiating foods….liver is a true super food…more bioavailable than kale…

  2. mrbear1302
    mrbear1302 says:

    Ummmm, Rocco has gained A LOT of weight on that keto thing! What a hack!!!!! Just 3 years ago he was on the show touting a diet cookbook about the negative calorie weight loss diet!!!!! He just switches every few years to make money!!!!!! Come on dude!!!!

  3. Mitch Miller
    Mitch Miller says:

    I can’t believe that The View endorsed and publicized this unhealthy diet. Leading dietitians have studied this diet and it’s linked to high increase of saturated fats due to increased meat and butter consumption (because of their low carbohydrate content). This diet has been shown to help children and adults with epilepsy, and they are studying that link, but for the average person, it is not sustainable and will lead to many deficiencies as well as other diseases linked with high saturated fat. The body naturally thrives off of glucose and the fact that people try to force themselves into an extremely restricting form of eating in order to force the body to go about a route that is by far not as preferable or efficient is insane. I was hoping that like the Adkins before it this crazy fad diet was on the decline, but I suppose well have to wait a little longer before people wake up. At the very least, do some research, if you search in an unbiased fashion, it’s blatantly obvious that this diet is insanely restricting and damaging in the long term.

  4. Anup S
    Anup S says:

    Lost interest when this fellow said “you can have bread”….nuhh Keto is not just low carb but also about staying away from foods which trigger blood sugar to rise

  5. Brittany A
    Brittany A says:

    health experts don't come out and support keto diets because health experts don't believe that its the healthiest way to lose weight. They advocate for the healthiest way and sorry to bust some bubbles but keto diets are not top of the list of healthiest ways to diet.

  6. L E
    L E says:

    If you care about the climate you dont eat this way – a lot of meat and animal baset butter and cream. We need to eat more plant based, vegan keto.

  7. szz1070
    szz1070 says:

    Sara is on 🔥 🔥!! Bring her back permanently please! I've been on keto for over a year. Never thought I'd see keto mentioned on The View, let alone hv a chef cooking keto. Awesome!! Just wondering though, is the chef on keto himself or he just cooks keto? There's a difference. Those on keto, from what I've observed, not only lose weight, gain back their shape, with a flat tummy. This chef has still some pooch there. If he's on keto for 3 years, he'd be slimmer, right? I'm guessing he's not practicing keto that much. He cooks keto to cater to his keto audience. I've seen a few YouTube chefs who cook keto but body wise, I see not much difference over time.

  8. felicia green
    felicia green says:

    This is not a good diet to adopt long term and quite honestly I'm shocked that the view is glorifying it as a "healthy" diet. This diet was originally created for people with epilepsy who have an overactive brain. The brain only uses carbs and ketones to function therefore limiting the carb intake is supposed to essentially "starve" an overactive brain. However, if your brain function is normal (as it the case with most people) this is quite dangerous, leading to shifts in your body's physiology if done long term. Please please please do not blindly give into these "fad diets". Consuming excess fat is NOT GOOD! Fat is harder for the body to break down, leading to lethargy and abnormal heart rhythm issues. It's not about HOW MANY carbs you consume but WHAT KIND. Please be mindful before choosing a diet according to "trends".


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