Cooking for my husband: pancakes + that time we made up after he dumped me.

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I noticed that Anthony had moved the photo of me from “Number 3” right up onto our dresser and it reminded me of the total …

35 replies
  1. no
    no says:

    Am I the only one who thinks their relationship seems a little bit toxic? Like if they're happy together that's great but it just seems a bit off

  2. Jenna Bertoletti
    Jenna Bertoletti says:

    my fiancé and i broke up for about 15 hours on my birthday, 2 days before our one year anniversary. we were 15 (going on 16) and young and stupid and toxic. but when he left i felt something i never had before and never have since then. my heart broke in a million pieces. i called him at least 30 times and texted about 100 times to no avail. he came back the next morning to talk it out. my sister just got out of a toxic relationship. she heard us talking in the room over and came over and told him "i cannot sit here and listen to you say the same things to my sister that __ said to me." i said "exactly!" and she said "no you too!" we would not be together today if it weren't for her. we went through plenty of more toxic times. almost 5 years later we're getting married on my dad and dead mom's anniversary. we've been through so much and the Lord Jesus Christ has kept us together through all of it. he's my better half. i am not ashamed or embarrassed to say i could never live without him❤

  3. Kelsey CoCa
    Kelsey CoCa says:

    I can't say shit bc I've gone back to exes multiple times but I will say people break up for all kinds of reasons, some good, some bad, some just plain dumb. it seems like you guys are happy now, I hope you're able to stay together but if you do break up it seems like it'd be his loss

  4. dark rainbows
    dark rainbows says:

    There's so much immaturity and negativity in the comments. Guys, these are grown adults, not people playing out childish high school dramas. Most issues can be resolved with better communication+a cooling off period if emotions are too high and tangled up. Have some empathy.

  5. kookycoolauntkaryn
    kookycoolauntkaryn says:

    As long as you don't allow that DECEMBER HEART BREAK to effect your relationship at ANY POINT AFTER THAT YEAR it is okay…. see if it gets brought up in fights or sad talks it hasn't healed and it will continue to be a sore spot long after and that will slowly turn to rot…. just keep the LOVE AND POSITIVE THOUGHTS and the rot will never win.

  6. Kathleen Sullivan Rye
    Kathleen Sullivan Rye says:

    You had something yo prove but you’ll never trust this guy…

    He found someone else and did comparison shopping… he will do it again when he gets tired and bored. Narcissist.

    Been there, done that!
    Stay strong and watch the videos about narcissist behavior to help navigate yourself!

  7. Angela MacaKelly
    Angela MacaKelly says:

    Not sure I'd want to prove myself and my worthiness to anyone, when I was younger yes,but not now. That's not to say I wouldn't be heart broken. It must have really traumatised you for you to still struggle in the month of December.
    P S
    Your husband is majorly punching above his weight, the absolute cheek of him 😉🤭


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