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foodiebeauty #irl #livestream Disclaimer: I am an entertainer who shares my life intimately at times with you; however, please note …

25 replies
  1. CSM 0404
    CSM 0404 says:

    Your mouth has gotten you in trouble for the last time. Your channel is going down. You tube is investigating it. So i guess you won’t be moving anytime soon from that nasty bug infested trap house.

  2. Ashleigh Mackenzie
    Ashleigh Mackenzie says:

    The fact that she doesn’t have any self-awareness to be embarrassed to actually say the words she’s hungry is disturbing. I genuinely believe she doesn’t see what everyone else does when she looks at herself. She can’t do, to think she’s so hot.

  3. BetweenTwoLungs
    BetweenTwoLungs says:

    I know your egg-headed self didn't talk about Alex's Shook and his fabulous hair. I just know that you, Chantal "don't body shame me" Marie, did not go after the way someone else looks you lonely pathetic lol🐄 😂🤣💀💀

  4. ninja monkey
    ninja monkey says:

    Can you imagine what those sneakers smell like? Wearing them with no socks all the time 🤢. Peetz was probably sleeping and she can’t put socks on herself, how embarrassing 😳

  5. Lady Di
    Lady Di says:

    She hasn't changed her clothes, taken a shower or brushed her teeth in at least 3 days! She must smell so bad! Shannon's story is not yours to tell, Foodie, karma is a bitch!

  6. Candy Cane
    Candy Cane says:

    Your eyes are so creepy when you eat you either roll them back like an ugly shark or to the side like u can't turn ur neck cuz of ur folds making u look fatter…ur bug eyes are so ugly

  7. Donna Cintron
    Donna Cintron says:

    This chick looks like a Russian cafeteria lady! She looks old and matronly. She talks about DD but DD is Sooo much more attractive and youthful than Chantal. Also DD isn't a vile, disgusting slob who makes up excuses for everything! She doesn't obsess over an ex, stuff her face with food constantly and justify everything!


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