COOK WITH ME| Recipes from the PENNSYLVANIA STATE GRANGE| 3 Easy recipes + a chit chat

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cookfromscratch #cookwithme #pagrangecookbook Hey Everyone! Thank you for being here, my name is Tory, and today I am sharing with you my favorite …

22 replies
  1. Momma Friendly
    Momma Friendly says:

    I LOVE that you have a cookbook where some of your family members are featured! that's so cool and special!

    I relate on being the only one following a different lifestyle in a household of standard American diet eaters…my son and I are gluten, dairy and soy free and everyone else lives off Wendys LOL

    great collabing with you again!

  2. Jennifer Pierson
    Jennifer Pierson says:

    Amen!!!! You are so truthfully spoken! The teaching profession is just about anything and everything but teaching. That is why I didn’t make it very long in the trenches. It was not anything like I thought that it would be or what it was sold to be while I was in college obtaining my multiple degrees to undertake a teaching position. I just couldn’t sustain all that it entailed. I felt like a plate spinner who was constantly spinning plates, losing plates, and restarting plates. It was a never ending process and I just never felt caught up, if that makes sense. Thank you so much for living out loud and with honesty and truth. I know that I would have changed my major if I had come into contact with an honest person such as yourself when I was in pursuit of my education degrees. Keep on living in truth because you might help someone else to see how education really is from the point of view of the educator and that is of vast importance.

  3. Stacy Russell
    Stacy Russell says:

    You are so real & that's refreshing. Don't ever sugarcoat real life.

    When my daughter became vegetarian, my mom asked if she only ate salads. 😂. I found it fun creating different meals for her to enjoy. Grocery stores are definitely stepping up their vegetarian / vegan options.

  4. Cathy Feigert
    Cathy Feigert says:

    The recipes look good. I love to cook as well, the past 9 days I’ve been on vacation, cooking a ton and enjoying my family. Thank you for sharing with us, girl life is stressful for all of us. You are amazing! Keep being Tory😘


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