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23 replies
  1. @Rsmblaze
    @Rsmblaze says:

    “Teaching them early that you want it you got to get em for free”

    Iam sure taken out of context since you were live but not really what you want to teach any kids. Working hard for the things you want in life and of course there is assistance if needed but that is hopefully something kids aren’t apart of. They just need to know work hard for the things you want if life.
    Blessings to you and your family. Sounds like public school is a really positive move.

  2. @merediths9667
    @merediths9667 says:

    Hey Carolina! Here watching the replay! Just wanted to tell you my homeschooling vs public school story. My kids always attended public before Covid. I also worked in the public elementary school here that my kids went to. Once Covid started we decided to try homeschooling. My kids were getting older and I noticed problems that were starting as the got into higher grades. We homeschooled for a year then my oldest wanted to go back to public to try jr high. My youngest loved homeschooling and it helped her tremendously. She started telling me how in public she couldn’t catch up and pay attention because of all the badly behaved kids causing interruptions. Also her dyslexia didn’t help. My oldest half way through her jr high year decided it was too bad there – awful behaviors, teachers not teaching, drugs, etc. she decided she wanted out. We ended up finding a private school for her to attend and 3 years later im still homeschooling my youngest because our public schools here have gotten worse every year. I still have friends that work for our schools and literally cannot believe what I hear on a daily basis. No way my kids will ever be in our public schools in our town again. People are leaving everyday to get there kids away from it. Our administration has left, tons of teachers have left and parents are scrambling to find alternatives for their children. And I live in a small town. Really sad. Just want you to be aware that the older they get it will change. They are still young enough that it’s enjoyable. As a former public school worker I no longer support it 😢. I pray your town is better❤
    And yes all public schools should have free breakfast and lunches. Period. Ours don’t and some situations were really sad that I saw.

  3. @caitlins5166
    @caitlins5166 says:

    Ugh I love hearing talk about chocolate! My 6 year old just had her allergy test done and she’s allergic to cocoa… so no chocolate or anything with cocoa in the label among many other things.. to be fair we are all avoiding chocolate but we are making it work lol

  4. @ilenetyrrell4484
    @ilenetyrrell4484 says:

    I need to find you a chocolate cake containing 4-6 kgs of dark chocolate and my God is it too die for, yum yummy! Layered with a well made butter cream, combination of both white, milk and dark butter cream. Now that was always my best cake and marshmallow ice cream my best ice-cream.

  5. @ilenetyrrell4484
    @ilenetyrrell4484 says:

    Sorry I missed your live yet again, it's been 10 days since my best friend passed away. Time goes fast even when you are not having fun!
    As always your videos put a smile on my face and give me some great ideas for feeding my Dad in particular, along with the rest of us. Great work! ❤ From Sydney Australia 🦘🦘🦘

  6. @shannonmcdonald8256
    @shannonmcdonald8256 says:

    I’m not sure if I left a comment earlier. But if I left one and it sounded weird I’m Sorry. I’ve been extremely busy lately. I haven’t got to watch this latest video but I can’t tell that You Look Much Happier, and Not as Stressed. Like a relief.. I Love my two babies to death. They are 6 and 10. But I know homeschooling would not be for me because they just don’t want to listen to me. And it’s good for them to be around other children and adults to know that they need to be able to get along with because I won’t be around forever more. I have High Blood Pressure and My Husband is an EXTREME diabetic. So I feel like they need to know that we LOVE them Very Much. But Mom and Dad will leave this world one day. And we are also older. I believe in being honest with my children because them finding out the truth after parents have passed hurts a bit most of the time.
    And you are right If it shouldn’t work out, you can always return to homeschooling.


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