Cook, Bake, Can (#allthethings) With Me! | May 2024 | Productive Kitchen Days

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In this video, I’ll be doing ALL THE THINGS in my kitchen! I’m pretty much maxing to my limit and having a super productive 2 days …

19 replies
  1. @jtmm396
    @jtmm396 says:

    The porch look fabulous that your hubs built, that will come in handy. You can use part of that for an outdoor kitchen and do your canning there.

    I’m exhausted just watching all that you accomplished and take care of the family needs too…. 🫣😱👀 You look cool as a cucumber salad around all that baking… And the stress of filmmaking too… I’d be a drenched mess.

    I do like these general cooking videos, I’m gonna have to get a flaker. I’m getting the 9 grain flakes from Azure but with all the different grains I have, why not flake some myself. This way I can flake as I need them.

    That stock looks awesome but have you tried to can the chicken bones separately from canning the raw chicken? The canner turns them into a creamy consistency that is outstanding. And healthy too, full of goodness.

    Looks like you have an uneventful cooking session and I bet the turkey was wonderful.

  2. @gracef244
    @gracef244 says:

    Hey Felicia. This was a fun video. I got up early this morning to can my chicken stock and hung out with you while doing all the things this morning as well, lol.

    I have a thing I do: all our meat birds are in the freezer, so most often, I don't have time to thaw that bird! I throw that baby in my biggest stock pot, cover with water, and in a couple hours, I've got my chicken meat cooked. I know it's not the most gelatinous broth, but it tastes great. sometimes I throw the bones back into the pot and simmer till the next morning, but lately I just don't have it in me, I guess. I've got chicken ready to go for when I make salad, enchiladas/chimichangas, or whatever. Sometimes I don't want to wait to thaw that bird! Lol. Anyway, I'm glad to hang with you in my kitchen this morning.

  3. @MarjHenkel
    @MarjHenkel says:

    I love the bare basics of cooking and canning.
    When my sister had her baby, I canned a bunch of to-go meals for her since she was a first-time mom and still working full time. I made 3 1-pint cases of different beef and chicken soups and stews. She loved them and came in real handy since the poor little guy had collic.

  4. @JamesHarris-qm8lh
    @JamesHarris-qm8lh says:

    Much respect for your ambition. Hope your family appreciates you, sure they do. I am going to try the rolls.
    Started canning a little now that I am retired . Started with an 8 point buck I was blessed with last November. Also had a huge sale on chicken breast and canned a bunch of that.
    The chicken seems a bit dry though, any suggestions?
    A canning video now and then would be good . Any main course grain dishes too..
    See ya next week

  5. @KatMa664
    @KatMa664 says:

    I’ve always used a screen when I make yogurt to get rid of a lot of the whey. But your yogurt seems like it’s a good consistency, even though you did do that.


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