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In this video Dylan, @CJFaison , @chrisbairdfilms and Chelsea investigate the haunted farm. They start to unveil more answers …

50 replies
  1. Genevieve Vigenski
    Genevieve Vigenski says:

    I love you and your videos Dylan, but what I don't understand is when you wear the headphones they are very loud and I can hear a lot of the words that it says but what you say it's saying and what I hear it saying Never matches up and it says more words to your , 2 or 3 words and according to you, it's always saying something about you. Why would these spirits from so long ago which most are Apache Indians be talking about you?

  2. teea salo
    teea salo says:

    said: I died of cardiac arrest while sleeping. several men were present.

    in the basement someone told another victim to watch as the evil one touched the victim before killing him. he said he had to look to be next. maybe raped and tortured both to death. some victim asked to help. ordered the other to leave in these events. someone warned that the "evil doers" are coming again. evil is within the creator. the tortured sniffed at the perpetrator and the perpetrator told him to be careful with his words.

    the bad guy in the house is Allan. someone has been watching the dogs and revealed to allan that they know what he has done. victims have been fed to dogs. Allan killed his friend.

  3. juliepro1957
    juliepro1957 says:

    Hi Dylan…I was thinking about this video and decided to watch it again. That Estes session was so precise at times…could you do a sort of reaction video talking about how you felt about the session? I’m going to start saying a prayer for you now and again…I just want to do anything I can to help protect you and Ellen…and even your doggies! I can’t wait to see your next video!! Stay safe my friend ❤

  4. Angel E.
    Angel E. says:

    Please tell CJ to stop using the static setting on necrometer. I have to use headphones and it makes it 10x harder to listen. Use just the word voice setting like how it is on spirit talker. You get the words onscreen and voice saying it.

  5. Debra Jo
    Debra Jo says:

    I'm so enjoying the videos of the farm and each time I'm always looking at the fridge to get a closer look. Because what people put there is interesting. And from what is on that fridge could shed light to the people who lived there . Business magnets drawings . Would love to see what's there. Will have to focus on the fridge and zoom in .. Keep up the great work. And stay safe.

  6. Mel Fulton
    Mel Fulton says:

    Hi Dylan,
    I pray all is well, I’m glad you have Chris, Cj and Chelsea with you. I’m still surprised that she’s coming to scary place with you. You go girl, I wouldn’t 😊❤🇦🇺

  7. kelly skaggs
    kelly skaggs says:

    50:24 Chris did you notice how your light went out or down and then the shadows came in the room the one is got C.J. around the waste he might be getting ready to throw C.J. remember what they said and look at Dylan and the shadow beside him trying to look like him he is way to short from Dylan, I just wanted to point this out to all of you, be safe , be careful til next time.

  8. kelly skaggs
    kelly skaggs says:

    29:26 Someone is laughing at Dylan so it must be a lie, 43:13 LOOK Guys do you see that dark shadow right between C.J. and Dylan? I think it wants you to see it, it lifted its head way up, 43:15 Its looking right at C.J. Right now I guess he don't see it,it right by his knees, Now it just ducked down, Wow it looked right at C.J. You know warn C.J. that you cannot fight demons and spirits with human you have to fight them with the word of God it's the only way, 43:45 The dark shadow is standing in the basement and the shadow behind Dylan is not his either, they are demons, 43:51 Look at the shadow moving in the basement, 44:49 Talking, 45:03 I heard another voice, 46:41 That shadow keeps moving see it beside Dylan keeps moving its head, 47:39 I heard a voice talking under yours Chris, 50:24 LOOK AT THE SHADOW HIS ARMS ARE AROUND C.J. NOW IT YOU CAN'T SEE THAT SOMETHNG IS WRONG!! 50:38 LOOK AT DYLAN FACE AND THE SHADOWS FACE DOES NOT MATCH THAT SHADOW IS DEMON TRYING TO LINE HIS FACE UP WITH DYLAN BUT ITS NOT HAPPENING, Guys please be careful!! I am telling all of you there are so many dark shadow and demons around you guys right now and I think the you guys need to cleanse yourselves.

  9. kelly skaggs
    kelly skaggs says:

    11:01 The shadow that is behind CJ is not his it is a dark shadow watch how far in the room it is for one reason and watch when CJ is just standing there the shadow moves back behind CJ pretending to be his shadow so it can walk around with you guys, 11:04 Did you see it go behind CJ ?? 11:44 See how far the shadow is back in the room with C.J. that is not his shadow, 13:14 Now the shadow that is beside of Chelsea is not hers i was just watching her and the shadow kinda hunkered in beside behind her watch she is standing still and the shadow moves back with her more, I hate to keep pointing out the shadows guys but if i know they are not of you guys i will point them out, 14:14 The shadow of Chelsea just moved again while she is standing still, 15:24 Orb went past C.J. 18:48 Orbs flying alll in this room, 21:52 Orb flying close to Chelsea by her hip really slow, 25:14 I hear two words can't make them out, It might had said No thanks, 26:05 I heard Oh boy real loud was that you Chris? 26:15 What is that noise,? 27:19 I see a spirit behind Dylan.

  10. loolaa billions
    loolaa billions says:

    Hi Dylan an Ellen❤and fur babies ❤

    2:58 hiss voice says ‘omg’
    3:02 hiss
    3:04 hiss
    3:10 groan or could have been someone’s tummy rumbling lol
    3:18 voice says ‘Dylan’ right before Dylan says No
    12:48 rumble or deep growl
    14:44 orb flies from the doll laying down on bottom board towards Dylan
    15:09 orb flies between CJ and Chelsea
    15:45 orb flies towards CJ’s left
    16:52 orb flies up Dylan’s left arm
    18:46 orb flies from between CJ and the wall
    19:38 orb flies up to the same doll laying down at the same time voice says ‘ah’
    21:38 orb flies past the moving door
    22:23 orb zig zag’s past Dylan and Chelsea
    25:12 voice says ‘get outta the way’?
    26:14 deep growl’get out’?
    26:19 a engine sound ?
    26:53 a hum sound ?
    26:59 knock
    43:58 the demon is talking about Chris not Dylan as Chris was the one addressing it I don’t think it’s fair or right that you guys keep trying to point the finger at Dylan all the time you are all as much to blame (if that’s the game you guys like to play) for any activity as your all literally asking for it(good or bad) so just understand that while making these types of videos and content ok….. moving on ❤
    44:49 scream or screech
    45:02 muffled ‘I am ?’

  11. Karen Swymelar
    Karen Swymelar says:

    Dylan, the Estes session was really scary.
    Please be careful when doing that. Something in that basement is very angry. When you came out, you looked extremely pale and sweaty.
    Just be cautious.
    Thank you for all you’ve been doing. ❤️


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