coffee chat with me and the pups + discussing BPD experiences – livestream

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In today’s members’ only livestream, we’re having a cozy coffee chat with me and the pups. We end up talking a lot about BPD …

29 replies
  1. Red's Adventures
    Red's Adventures says:

    Cindy my sister got an epilator (non electrical) from TEMU and it is AMAZING i did my whole upper lip and chin area in 5 minutes and it was CLEAR and SMOOTH If you want to try it ill send you one so inexpensive

  2. Debbie Jones
    Debbie Jones says:

    stress and nutritional malnourishment. I had to increase my trace minerals, Vitamin B's, (nutritional yeast) Vitamin E (tocotrienols) and DHEA (if its hormone deficit.) It took months but its working. I have so many baby hairs now that are in an awkward phase.

  3. Tammy Henderson
    Tammy Henderson says:

    Not to sound like a broken record. You don't need to shave your head. The only thing needed. Cut the top rectangle section. To 1/2 your length. With your natural wave. It will give you allot volume and make your top hair look double. I guarantee. I'm in Michigan. Nowhere near you.

  4. Chrissie's Corner
    Chrissie's Corner says:

    loved watching this back while making & eating dinner! just got to the point where you talked about how every youtuber has to deal with trolls & negativity, & I feel that in my soul! I don't even make lifestyle/vlogging content (I do sims stuff) but even with that I still have people picking apart things like my accent (English isn't my 1st language), the way I pronounce stuff, my personality, etc. even the things I build (I do speed builds) in the game! like how can anyone have that much time in their day to pick apart someone online when it would've been so much faster to just scroll past/click away?! 🤦‍♀ I'll truly never understand it! 😅 even with those things I still struggle with not internalizing their comments, even when I know they're talking absolute crap! sending you so much love Cindy & you're right, everyone has their own crap they're working through, no one is perfect! 💖

  5. Mimsycookiiess
    Mimsycookiiess says:

    My neighbors’ kids were around my age growing up and thankfully I didn’t hear much and as we got older, they started to leave the house more and some eventually moved out so thankfully aside from the occasional arguing I didn’t hear much from my neighbors (though I could hear people talking when I was in the bathroom bc of the vents)

    Also (long rant 😭)loud noises affect me too unfortunately; my parents would always fight and my dad would break things and sudden noises always scare me that’s part of the reason why I wanted to dorm when going to college, I wanted to leave as soon as I turned 18 but that wasn’t really too realistic for me (because of the cost of living) so I just decided to dorm and I like it here for the most part but sometimes I miss home just not the arguments; I feel bad that I left my brother but I still visit on the weekends; I just need peace! I’m only 18 so it feels scary on my own but ig I rather that than my horrid childhood

  6. Rebekah Gregg Martinez
    Rebekah Gregg Martinez says:

    I know ur just venting and this might get me blocked but I’ve watched you for years before ur blogs but you say u hate living near kids and they r so loud but you wanted kids and it kinda cringe watching you say that! kids are loud that’s normal. P.s please no body respond with anything to do with her losing a child because out of respect for a mother who has also lost a child it is hard and children can make us grow up it’s just the fact she said kinda rude stuff about kids and them living under her that got to me I don’t mean any disrespect to her if she truly cared what us viewers think I just wanted to let her know. And it’s not like us single moms can always afford a place away from ppl who don’t have kids and being a mom can be hard and kids get loud it’s very normal

  7. Skully Kittie
    Skully Kittie says:

    Did you ever use Rogaine? Because, this is what I was told, it works but if you stop your hair that you got with it, goes bye bye. So you have to use it continuously. Like, forever.

  8. Skully Kittie
    Skully Kittie says:

    I just told my therapist that I want to be a botanist! I love plants and herbs especially but I can't keep houseplants alive to save my life. I actually need to trim the herbs in my aerogarden. I'll post a vid of the overgrowth for you! Maybe it will entice you into buying one for your kitchen. ❤😅

  9. The Megan Experience
    The Megan Experience says:

    The cheese slices you have aren’t actually cheese (I’m not being a conspiracy theorist, this is actually a fact 😂) if you look at the package, it says Cheese Product- which means it doesn’t have enough actual cheese it in to be called “cheese” alone. It’s mostly vegetable oil and additives- great for melting but not a fair representation of cheese as a whole 😂

  10. DoubleP
    DoubleP says:

    Either you haven’t thrown out the roses or it’s a new batch? Thanks for confirming that you did indeed see the comments about you x bf.
    If you didn’t want that to happen then you shouldn’t have vlogged with him around. Just saying

  11. Albin 2
    Albin 2 says:

    It looks like some of the haters I reported for breaking YouTube rules got banned. More will follow, as I now report every single one. YouTube has rules that are very easy to understand.

  12. Tina Martino
    Tina Martino says:

    Dear cindy, not trying to be conspiracy theorist, i know exactly what im looking at and listening to with you. I was so interested becauseci haveva 40 yr. Old daughter that suffers like you do. I tell her the same thing as i tell her …when you need a Man to make you feel worthy you will always fail. I truly only want to see you succeed.

  13. JoeyGirl_
    JoeyGirl_ says:

    The cheese isn’t so bad it’s just that you eat American which isn’t real cheese… all the additives bothered me and I didn’t realize it till I got rid of it and just started using Sharp cheddar. 😢


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