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CNC is great for repetative tasks. For instance: cleaning off the table. I use a homemade tool to let the machine do the dirty work.

48 replies
  1. Kilgoar
    Kilgoar says:

    amateur game developer here. the old n64 was a cartesian system, a miracle of technology at the time but suffering from gimbal lock hell. contemporary games run mostly on spherical. so long story short i wrote some software to do a little retromodding wireframe conversion therapy and trust me, that kind of torture should be banned. it ain't shiny, you get one spot wrong and you've got 100 horny little brats who hate you for ruining their day. 50 MACHINED copper hammers? hobbies are disgusting, but i guess it's better than those catatonic job-havers who are out there doing "productive" things for capitalism points

  2. maxman1244
    maxman1244 says:

    Sometimes a situation says "stay serious so you show some semblance of stoicism".

    Truthfully though that there testing tool tries the toughest tempers.

    Until unfortunately even
    Uncle-bumblefuck, unlike his usual uninterrupted utterage,

    Lost His Shit.

  3. Edward Wynn
    Edward Wynn says:

    Hey AvE, just a quick question if you find this comment. Could you point me in the direction of any really good hard copy reference/research documents, books or reports? I hear that my wife might love me more if I become more smarter, so help a guy out. What I got in the britches is not getting the job done, FYI.

  4. XcZ
    XcZ says:

    I remember seeing one of those attached to a drill some guy was using at a strip club in TJ. Let's just say he was more of a customer than a contract worker.

  5. Richard Lee
    Richard Lee says:

    I know this is on the fancier side of things but you think you'll do a review of the percussion massage guns? Seems like they charge a pretty penny for what it seems like it is

  6. MrJizmloaf
    MrJizmloaf says:

    For ease sir, for a general complete clean of the table, just write a program titled o00001 for example. Then inside that program write the tool change to the fan or super special blow stick, and a path that covers your needs. End the program with an m99 instead of an m30. Then whenever you finish a program for any part, just insert m98 p1 right before the m30 and it will call the external program to run the cleaning program 👍


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