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Day in the life – the day went from a great mood to a not so good mood. Breville sandwich press: Indian …

27 replies
  1. Gemma Raheem
    Gemma Raheem says:

    Keep going Hun ….there's good days and bad days but remember when you are hit with the crappy days keep telling yourself it will pass..nothing lasts forever, Allah is the best of planners we will all have our hardships but we will get ease in shaa Allah 😘 my house is a complete mess …and my anemia is getting me down so I did a load of washing and cleaned and tidy up one room so now my house smells like clean washing and I have a clean room to sit in ..I will deal with the rest later in shaa Allah!!!!!!

  2. Halima
    Halima says:

    I cleaned out my fridge yesterday, when I open it I feel really proud and relieved. The rest of the house is a disaster area but I celebrate the small victories🎉

  3. Best food yet Try it
    Best food yet Try it says:

    Saf my life is just as hectic I just made one change and I feel like my life has somehow became more organised , I made it a must that no matter what I empty out the dishwasher immediately once it’s done this way I always was able to put my dirty dishes in without them loading in the sink or counters , it has been a game changer as once dishes pile up the whole kitchen looks like a huge task to tackle

  4. Alexandra Bendjebbour
    Alexandra Bendjebbour says:

    Dropped little one of to school came home tidied kitchen up went gym washed the car went to do a little food shop cooked dinner then my day was done I’m absolutely knackered now but then back to work tomorrow so not really much of a day off for me lol but ur doing amazing we are allowed as mums to have breaks and not feel guilty about it because I have these days to I’m like nope not today I’m having a sofa day and a take away day who cares 🤷🏻‍♀️ love your videos ❤

  5. Alicia Ogorman
    Alicia Ogorman says:

    Aww saf it is very difficult doing house work with mental health , I have anxiety everyday and feel so proud if I do even a small amount of cleaning , today I tidied my kitchen and yes iam proud , the rest of the house is questionable haha, kids constantly messing it up, I have 4 , am on my own so it's hard everyone depends on u to cook clean etc , they don't understand how hard it is , yes we would love a tidy home but achieving it is mentally challenging, I wish I was a person who cleans to help with anxiety haha , takeaway nights are the best also , u are doing fab saf and I love ur videos , alls we can do is try can't we lovely xx take care 😊 ❤️

  6. Daksh Manocha
    Daksh Manocha says:

    Im a mum of 3, youngest is 16month, daughter is 4 and son is 8yrs old & i feel you with all the mental stress and being alone with all the tensions of motherhood & life… but just dont accept that you’ve got anxiety or depression or any of that; because honestly, theres no cure for this, its only a dark hole and the more you accept that, the more u succumb to it. Always just think your strong, and nothing in this world can stop whats meant to happen for you.. dont be disappointed by anything that comes or you hear, always remind yourself that; all of it was destined & whatever he above wishes for you; will happen regardless. Much love to u & your kids; i can relate to your life soo soo much.

  7. Farhana Rahman
    Farhana Rahman says:

    Life is tough! N as muslims, we know that this life is a passing phase, it’s temporary. This will all pass…the good times,the bad, the lows and the highs…..we strive to please Allah to come close to Him….n this what helps me a lot, esp reading ( pondering)or listening to Qu ran…another thing is focusing on the positives and always saying alhamdulilah ( I know at times its difficult but look at those below us). Just take one day at a time.❤

  8. Smaira 27
    Smaira 27 says:

    Great video ❤️Did two major jobs that I was searching for the right time to do. Feel better getting them done but now not enough energy to cook! which foundation did you use in this video? I love your make up

  9. Haj Shahzad
    Haj Shahzad says:

    Slmz sis nice to c u
    We al hv those up and down days yr not alone the only way is up and forwards I do everything myself my daughters r 14 and 15 and only one of them wil do some cooking some times but never help me tidy lol so hey ho wat can u do but cheer up it wil get better lv to u and kids lv ya 😘😘💖💖

  10. Asma Ali
    Asma Ali says:

    bless u sister
    it does get easy as the kids grow up
    i am a mother of 4 and i am a single parent as my husband works away on businesses
    it was hard when my kids where younger as i had to do everything
    now alhamdulillah my 2 eldest daughters are 11 and 10 years old
    my son is 8 and the little one is almost 3
    my eldest daughters help me a lot cleaning and looking after their ynger siblings and also help with meal preps
    i am greatful alhamdulilah
    promise you it will get easier X

  11. Next Gen Pro 123
    Next Gen Pro 123 says:

    It is hard life but just stay positive think of the good things such as your kids and it does show that you are finding things hard I can see it but may Allah SWT make it easy and guide u and all always remember one thing to have the inner heart peace u need to always remember Allah SWT


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