Classic French Pot-Au-Feu ( Beef Stew ) | Unseen video

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Video recipe on how to make a Traditional French Pot-Au-Feu the easy way. Beef, Vegetables, Slow cooking… With the cold coming, give yourself a treat.

26 replies
  1. Angela Lee
    Angela Lee says:

    Since it has broth instead of a gravy we call it soup but it still looks fantastic. Thanks for the egg white for straining grease from the soup. I have never heard that one until you told us.

  2. Charlotte Sego
    Charlotte Sego says:

    I love you and your Pot Au Feu. My father died in France, Battle of the Bulge. He is buried in St. Alvold, France.He was a French/American, probably 3rd generation and his/my maiden name is Mauzy'. I am 75 and just realized a few years ago, I am really french, well just a little bit. I am so proud to have French heritage and I want to learn every thing about the French way, especially dress and food. Vegetable soup is my favorite food, Winter and Summer. I am making a Pot Au Feu, because of you!!! Bless you and your Pot Au Feu.

  3. PinkMonkeyBird
    PinkMonkeyBird says:

    Great recipe! Easy to follow and vastly simplified from the stuffier recipes out there. I love the cleanness of all the flavors and the broth is worth its weight in gold. Just a couple of things: I don’t think 2 hours cooking time is sufficient, unless you cheat with a pressure cooker. I let mine barely simmer for 4 hours and it was perfect. Also, unfortunately beef cheeks can be difficult to source in the US, so I’ve used both chuck and shanks. Thank you for a fantastic recipe that’s both 100% foolproof and dead simple to make.

  4. The Conservative Social Regressive
    The Conservative Social Regressive says:

    Cheek meat in the U.S. unfortunately isn't very common. I can only guess because how to use it is a lost art. The last whole beef our family bought the processor left the head (cheeks and tongue) to rot. Needless to say I was extremely unhappy. Both tongue and cheek meat are delicious if you know what to do with them. The processor made it right fortunately and we did get a tongue and cheeks from another animal they processed for their own sales. Beef cheek meat is like the best pot roast because of the strong beef flavor and the gelatinous texture of the connective tissue. Marrow bones are another great ingredient that a lot of Americans don't utilize. Very good stuff. I'm really enjoying your videos. Keep educating!

  5. K Harmanen
    K Harmanen says:

    Had a deer neck and some legs in the freezer, took em out and sawed them in somewhat nice pieces (meatbandsaw). Threw them in the oven for an hour and then in a large pot with some carrots, onion, bay leaf and peppers. Also added some pork neck (boneless). Still simmering on stove 🙂 I´ts kind of made as a traditional Finnish meat stew much like yours in the video, food doesn't get much better than this…

  6. Leah Jones
    Leah Jones says:

    So I made a variation of this where you mixed chopped cornichon, Dijon mustard, chives and parsley together and tossed it with the vegetables before serving. Is that American or is there actually a French version that does this too? Just wondering how authentic it was!

  7. Jauplafer
    Jauplafer says:

    In catalonia we have the Escudella (which basically means pot), really similar but normally with pasta and special meatballs inside, it's a christmas tradition mostly! i guess
    it's a neighboor's influence xD

  8. Agustin Repetto
    Agustin Repetto says:

    Well well well… and when I thought that Argentinian "Puchero" was a derivated version from the "Cocido" from Spain… it actually is quite… exactly like that, we add some stuff, like… mmm Sweat Potatoe, Pumpkin, Spicy Sausage, Pancetta and usually cabbage, but those are all just kinda optional. Well, looks like Buenos Aires is not the "Paris" of Latin America just because of the palaces but also for some of the food, funny part is that for us a "Puchero" is something that you kinda do when you dont have money, its cold, you need a lot of food, yet we love it anyways, but it seems that in France is not something that mundane.


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