Clarified Butter / Ghee Recipe With Bonus Recipe At The End! Healthy, Delicious

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This video shows how to make ghee or clarified butter from store bought butter. It is so easy to make, is very healthy and delicious on anything you would use …

31 replies
  1. Lisa Sanchez
    Lisa Sanchez says:

    Jan!!!! I have been trying to find a way to comment on your videos! I soooo love you!!!! God bless you! I truly enjoy all of your videos! I will be sending you a letter via “snail mail” and hope you get it soon! God bless you and your family! I hope Randy is doing well and miss Kay Lynn for me too!

  2. Lynzki
    Lynzki says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this! I'm new to your channel and I just love your videos. You are so down to earth and genuine, such a rare thing in this world these days. You are a gift from above!💞

  3. Elizabeth Shaw
    Elizabeth Shaw says:

    Some of those properties are not true. Nothing detoxifies the body but the body. Our digestive system livers white blood cells Etc detox our bodies every moment of every day. Nothing we put into our bodies will Detox our bodies. The only thing that nourishes the brain is glucose. Ghee is a healthy fat and won't affect most people's coronary artery system the way that other fats can. It is butter oil. Thank you Jan for the demonstration for others who may not know how to make their own ghee because ghee is very expensive in the stores and online. Yes use a coffee filter in your strainer to remove every bit of milk solid. dr. Elizabeth

  4. Collen Rose
    Collen Rose says:

    I love it…just like family, they are too busy socializing to hear what is going on around them. All families, I think, are the same. Thank you for the recipes. I will definitely try both.

  5. Sherrie A Norman
    Sherrie A Norman says:

    I want to ask you a question. My grandma, whom I miss SO MUCH, used to have me make this fudge that was outta this world. I remember parts but I just can't get it right. You start with some sugar, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, or one whole cup in a pan and constantly stir it on the stove until it melts. Then add a can of canned (not sweetened) milk. Add the rest of the sugar, which should add up to a total of two cups. I remember it tasted SO GOOD but I just can't seen to remember the rest. Mine comes out very sugary instead of creamy like fudge. Do you happen to know this recipe?? I just can't find it anywhere. Thank you in advance.

  6. Rivah Cat
    Rivah Cat says:

    I make ghee in the crock pot; I melt the butter until it separates into foam, clear oil, and milk solids at the bottom. Skim off the foam, spoon out the butter oil, and discard the foam and milk solids. I love your channel, Jan, and even though I'm sure we're close in age, you remind me of my dad's mom and sister. Both did good, simple country cooking.

  7. Jimmy
    Jimmy says:

    Hey back Jan, found your channel the other day and I have been making my way through them, I love Ghee and make it all the time, is great for everything, best thing butter burns around 200 degrees Ghee can go to 400 so is great for searing steaks, etc. I love all your videos I have watched so far.

  8. Lorri Nichols
    Lorri Nichols says:

    Glad you showed how to make Ghee! Desi Ghee (made for from cows milk butter) is a healthy fat for weight loss also, it helps speed up your metabolism. try to use the best organic butter you can, from grass fed cows t least, makes a difference in the flavor of the desi.Just to let you know also, ghee will go rancid if you leave it on the counter too long, about a month, so keep it in the fridge. You could make fudge with the waste if it doesn't get too dark, it's pretty good too, I have never tried pudding.


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