Claire Saffitz Makes Homemade Bagels | NYT Cooking

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Claire Saffitz is here! Follow along as she teaches us how to make bagels at home, from mixing to forming, boiling to baking. The result is a traditionally chewy, …

24 replies
  1. Magical24
    Magical24 says:

    Bruh…. the cinnamon raison are out of this world…. little butter, some honey and sprinkled with crushed walnuts….. it's next level awesome…

  2. shantanu panda
    shantanu panda says:

    Lately I’ve been doing a bagel. But let me tell you how I do my bagels. I take my bagel, plain bagel on a day that I’m not gonna be in front of somebody’s face, onion bagel if I’m going to be speaking closely to people. Wait I said that opposite. Funky breath if I’m going to be close to people. Okay, flop that, you know what I mean. I cut the bagel in half and then I scoop out all that extra bagelization and then I put that on the side. Then I take my whipped cream cheese and I dig deep into that pot of it and I fill up the entire scooped-out bagel rounds like a moat. But I’m not finished yet. Then I take that plate of that moated cream cheesed bagel and I put it inside of the microwave and I shut the door and then I set it for twenty seconds. And then what starts to happen is the molecular makeup of that cream cheese starts to change. It’s like a science project. And when you take it out of the microwave it’s not just heated, oh no. It’s creamy and has a slightly tart flavor that it didn’t have pre-microwave. I blow on it, because if I take a big bite, it’s going to burn my lips, so I have to blow. And then I slowly bring it to my mouth and I bite… and I try to get the cleanest bite, but there’s whipped cream, cream cheese, whatever cream, all over my lips. And then I lick it and I lick it until it is all gone.

  3. Dorothy V
    Dorothy V says:

    My dough is a lot harder and stiffer than yours looks, I used a scale for water and flour, I'm nervous they won't come out well. I kneaded for 1/2 hour, and its still stiff. Help

  4. Juliana Bastidas C
    Juliana Bastidas C says:

    Thank you Claire! This recipe is on point. Even though I forgot the salt and accidentally used 1/2 cup of AP flour with the bread flour instead of whole wheat, it's extremely forgiving and they came out beautiful. I made half everything and half blueberry + cinnamon sugar and they are divine. Next time I would try to use dried blueberries as fresh made the dough about twice as difficult to work with, due to the fragility of the berries. other than that, i wouldn't change a thing. These are bakery quality bagels.

  5. ElloBoppit
    ElloBoppit says:

    On the video and on the recipe the bake temperature is not listed. I referenced other recipes @425°F ~18-25 mins. Any other variations one should be aware of for baking bagels?


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