Choco Banana Pudding No Sugar No Oil & Cook Quinoa in Instant Pot with The McRae Family

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One Pot Mexican Quinoa Bowl (Instant Pot Adaptation) This is a delicious, quick, and easy dish you can make in minutes using ingredients stocked in your …

26 replies
  1. Rithvik Kiran
    Rithvik Kiran says:

    I love the McRae family! They make such healthy, delicious whole food plant based recipes and set such a wonderful example for other families! I miss meeting you guys!

  2. Voracious Vegan
    Voracious Vegan says:

    Tried the Mexican bowl recipe for lunch todayβ€”couldn’t have been easier and was surprisingly really tasty on a bed of power greens and topped with cheese sauce! Adding it to my regular rotation of recipes it’s so good! Thank you Chef AJ & Sharon!

  3. D D
    D D says:

    Fun fact…Spurtles are a Scottish kitchen tool use to stir porridge. Every year a annual porridge cooking competition occurs in Scotland with the winner taking home the trophy which is a large β€œgolden Spurtle”. I have Scottish parents so use a Spurtle to make my porridge.

  4. Voracious Vegan
    Voracious Vegan says:

    I’ve heard Chef AJ mention Sharon many times on her shows, it’s great to finally see her! Love her philosophy regarding NOT initiating your kids into the pleasure trap! Also like her idea of filming a recipe beforehand and answering questions during the live feedβ€”BRILLIANT!

  5. Voracious Vegan
    Voracious Vegan says:

    This recipe is right up my alley! All the items are in my pantry and I FINALLY joined the I-Pot bandwagon last month. I also chose the Duo Evo Plus because of the automatic vent close feature, the cleaner interface, and the handles on the inner pot. I use mine EVERY DAY and absolutely LOVE it!

  6. CarolLynnWilliams
    CarolLynnWilliams says:

    For those of us who don't have an Instapot, it seems as if the quinoa vegetable recipe could be made in a crock pot, even though it may take longer & perhaps ought to defrost the vegetables first ???

  7. Peter the NWO Rabbit
    Peter the NWO Rabbit says:

    A typical snack for me is an entire head of celery, two red bell peppers, an entire crown of raw broccoli, and 2 cups of a low fat hummus. If I have people over, they're like, "is that for everyone?" Then I laugh and remind them that I asked if they wanted some, any they had already told me "no," so no, this is all for me. Then they shake their head and ask for the remote.

  8. Jill C
    Jill C says:

    This was great, such a lovely family! My first impression is that Evan should start a YouTube WFPBNSOS cooking/info channel or work with mom. You have a beautiful family and I will check out your links and I have already bookmarked your site. Recipes sound good.


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