Chinese guy reviews UNCLE BEN'S RICE

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50 replies
  1. SegaNaLeqa
    SegaNaLeqa says:

    I’ve never liked Uncle Ben’s rice. It has something off about it. I’m not sure if it’s in the flavours or textures, but it’s always turned my stomach. 🙈😅

  2. Gargi Dhadam
    Gargi Dhadam says:

    Hey , pls try this egg masala recipe from maharashtra (india)
    1. Hard boil 2 eggs
    2. While eggs are boiling heat up a pan add 2-3 teaspoon of vegetable oil
    3. Wait 1 minute and add thinly chopped onions and shredded coconut 1/4 cup each
    4. Stir it for 5 minutes till golden brown
    5. Add the mixture in a mixer grinder and add 2 chilles(small) 2 cm ginger and 3 garlic. Add 1/2 tomato(big),
    6. Grind them till paste consistency
    7. Heat up your kadhai or pan add 5-6 teaspoon of oil and add 3cloves , 1/2 a stick of cinnamon, 3 black pepper (whole)
    8. Stir it at middium heat for 3 mins add the grinded mixture and add salt 1½teaspoon, 2 teaspoon chili powder
    9. Stir it for ½ min and wait till the oil comes above the mixture
    10. Add the eggs in it add stir it for 2 mins
    11. Cook it for 5 more mins with a led on (don't stir it)
    12. Enjoy with rice
    I really like your videos and pls pls pls try this recipe you'll love it 😀

  3. Sandra AJ
    Sandra AJ says:

    Wait what, that's how it's prepared? I always see it at the supermarket but never bothered to read the instructions 😂 And I never dared to get it, I'm used to making rice myself. But it's good to know that it tastes good, thank you!


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