Chinese BBQ Pork Buns + Halal, Vegetarian & Kosher Filling Options (Char Siu Bao)

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Here are my famous Chinese BBQ Pork Buns. Growing up, these were my favourite thing to get from the Asian bakery. Everything …

36 replies
  1. Li
    Li says:

    I wanted to give some filled buns a try with what I had and I came across this super helpful video. I ended up using leftover black beans in gravy, leftover spam, half an onion and BBQ sauce as my filling and WOW

  2. XAEL
    XAEL says:

    How can these buns be made without egg, sugar, or milk? Sorry, I recently switched to a plant-based diet (not religious cult) for health reasons and still want experience this form of yum.

  3. Don Bosco Than
    Don Bosco Than says:

    Love the time stamp and reality of just using char siu from the local store 😅 when my family is making it at home we keep the shoulder/butt whole and we always make sure to finish with a glaze of honey and lime juice (lime is preferred vs lemon for viet cooking flavors usually). And we make banh bao which usually are steamed (ive never considered baking them in the oven honestly). With your method, it would be cool to try to cook it similar to al pastor or shwarma (piled on top of each other and stabbed through with a spike. Usually rotisserie would be preferred but I think oven or grill I've seen be ok.) To get that really awesome char on the outer edges. Great vid!

  4. incitehope99
    incitehope99 says:

    i use beef brisket to make my char siu (i do not eat pork) and we refer to them as 'manapuas,' since we used to live in Kailua, Hawaii. I have pretty much learned how to do all my favorites halal. 🤙🏻

  5. Rebecca Melanson-Laird
    Rebecca Melanson-Laird says:

    Wow Sheldo! You are my new favourite Youtuber! I had the pleasure of watching your amazing run on the Canadian Baking show (hello from Mississauga – very proud of you!), and I'm so happy the algorithm had you pop up as a recommended video!

    Honestly, your style is completely perfect. You have mastered the blend of keeping the video fun, fast, and engaging, with truly excellent camera work and visuals. But the more impressive element is your pacing and informative tone. Your style is even more fantastic because you manage to share incredibly useful information rather than just a snappy recipe. The 'why this works,' and 'pro-tip – don't do this!' notes are super important! The mise-en-place to build up to the recipe, the order of operations, the little nuggets of wisdom like what level to put the oven racks, to start with less filling until you're comfortable crimping the edges (guilty lol), all of it is so comprehensively helpful that it make it less trial and error for the end user!

    Literally I happened across your whipped cream stabilization video after I had done some of my own wonky trial and errors, and you're deep dive into the 'why' really helped a lot. I'm going to incorporate a mix of marscarpone and gelatin for a Raspberry Charlotte Cake this weekend, which has always been a finicky one to keep from being too soft in the mousse layer, because most recipes just call for regular old whipped cream with nothing to stabilize it.

    You would make an excellent teacher! I'm so excited to try this and many of your other videos. Baking is one skill to master, but how you treated the proteins in this video have unlocked the secret to bringing some amazing-looking Chinese-style meat into my own kitchen!

  6. erik
    erik says:

    Will make soon! I've made steamed bao buns with char siu and they were amazing (but a lot of work with just an improvised steamer). Never tried them baked. Looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Lewis Jones
    Lewis Jones says:

    You smashed it with another complete and informative guide. There’s so many tips in here. Great work. I feel like I need a huge chest freezer so that I can do a crack into this as a project for a day

  8. Tri Tran
    Tri Tran says:

    Hi – so glad I stumbled across your channel. Great, instructive video! Do you think one could freeze these and take them out overnight to bake later? If so, before the second proof? Thanks!

  9. Fox isch
    Fox isch says:

    You‘ve instantly become one of my favorite youtube channels. Everything is just perfect. The recipe in the description, the use of grams, time stamps, different choices for the recipe and the list goes on… I just wanted to thank you:) I already tried the bang bang sechuan chicken (it was delicious) and I will be trying more in the future!!

  10. Erika
    Erika says:

    I never imagined making this recipe until watching you. You are so wonderful at explaining each step that I'm no longer intimidated ❤


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