Chicken Tikka Masala Curry Meal Prep

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This flavourful chicken tikka masala is made with tender chicken thigh marinated in a beautiful blend of spices and yogurt, then …

40 replies
  1. dagmawit geresu
    dagmawit geresu says:

    Just made this. It is absolutely delicious. Keep the recipes coming. You are really helpful for a person like me who’s in grad school but wants to meal prep. Thank you so much.

  2. Ynat
    Ynat says:

    Hi new to the channel and idk if you answer questions regularly or if someone else can help me but I usually eat larger portions so I was wondering if I double the amount of chicken do I double the rest of the ingredients as well (obviously excluding the rice which I'd probably leave the same)? Would that increase the cooking time significantly as well for the part where you leave it in the pot for 20 minutes? I made your Goan curry recipe and loved it and now I'm just interested in trying a bunch of your curries and experimenting as I learn to cook better stuff. You've been a tremendous help for me in learning and avoiding eating out as much while still meeting my calorie and protein goals so thanks for all the work you do!

  3. Carolina
    Carolina says:

    Thank you for the meal prep ideas, they’re very handy for me as a student nurse in the hospitals for the next two months. Can I ask where the 750ml containers are from?

  4. Cruachan 11
    Cruachan 11 says:

    I love that even though Chicken Tikka Masala is a made-up British non-traditional dish, you still say you're going to keep it "authentic" 🤣

    Looks good and always love a curry so will give this one a shot

  5. Bob A
    Bob A says:

    Hi chef, could you please consider a 5 bean chilli and potato bake please? Tesco – sorry I said it lol, do a ready meal and I think you can smash it into orbit – only problem is, it’s the word oven and I’d love a batch microwave option , perhaps I could live with a separate potato oven / grill warming up part. Anyways keep up the good work.

  6. mute
    mute says:

    I can't believe I've never seen this channel before, YouTube recommendations gave me a game changer, love all the different recipes!

  7. Stephen Peatling
    Stephen Peatling says:

    G’day Jack – we’re down in Australia and enjoy your recipes. We are big meat eaters so like that your recipes have a strong meat presence, but we’re not big on rice and pasta. Could you possibly do some recipes that have meat ‘n veg rather than meat ‘n carbs? Thanks mate.

  8. David G
    David G says:

    I made this today! It was really good!

    The only change I made was to add some fenugreek leaves.

    Looking forward to lunch tomorrow, thanks Jack!


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