CHICKEN RECIPES that aren’t boring! | DELICIOUS CHICKEN Recipes

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22 replies
  1. Darlene Howard
    Darlene Howard says:

    To anyone watching that's never used oyster sauce before (wonton tacos) & doesn't like oysters… don't worry- it doesn't taste like oysters at all. It's not even fishy tasting. I hate oysters, so for years I refused to try it. My husband finally got me to eat it by making a stir-fry that had oyster sauce in it. Now I use it all the time when I make Asian inspired dishes. My ideas about food have changed so much as I've gotten older. There's not much I won't try now. This recipe looks so good! Well, they all do. I really love the chicken & gnocchi one. I have some gnocchi in the freezer, so that's gonna be the 1st one I try. 😋

  2. LaVerne Jones
    LaVerne Jones says:

    Hi Amber. Great recipes. I have vowed never to buy those bags again. I’ve had issues with the zipper coming open on many occasions. Thanks for sharing. I love the scripture.🤗💕

  3. Margo Haeckel
    Margo Haeckel says:

    If you’re a family of 1-2 you could cook the win ton wrappers in the air fryer by placing a small little ball of aluminum foil on the inside of the wrapper to keep it open. Put it on two minutes to start. Make sure it doesn’t blow them around. It probably only takes about 3 to 4 minutes to cook them enjoy.😊

  4. Richard Wright
    Richard Wright says:

    Good morning Amber. What a haul. Those air fryer chicken wings look absolutely delicous – so much better than oven baked. Thanks for sharing another of your great recipes. I'm definitely trying this one tonight, the perfect Monday dinner for the family. 😊

  5. Dee Ferry
    Dee Ferry says:

    Great meals today Amber. I can't eat chicken or any meat on the bone, I cook them for husband and when the kids were home, I just can't bring myself to eat it. Oh and can you believe I've never tried gnocchi??? I know. I'll have to man up and give them a try. Thanks for sharing xxx

  6. Earl Douglas
    Earl Douglas says:

    Curse words would have been flying when that chicken came out of the bag…lol. It was one of the funniest things I've seen in a You Tube cooking video even though it was a mess for you.

  7. Maga Person
    Maga Person says:

    Amber, I just had to laugh and laugh when the bag with the chicken prep opened!! Your face and reaction was PRICELESS! LOVE IT! Always look forward to your videos. Have a great week!


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