Chicken Pot Pie Recipe (Completely Homemade + Shortcut Options)

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23 replies
  1. Davonté of the Mist
    Davonté of the Mist says:

    Hi Brian, you mentioned not liking pressure cooking for making the stock because of fat emulsion. I made pork bone stock the other day in my instant pot and noticed the same thing — super fatty broth. Is it really not worth using at all or is it possible to let cool and remove the fat later?

  2. pithonic
    pithonic says:

    b-man: "…to hydrate and firm up for about twenty minutes while I thank the sponsor of this video…"

    me: these ads are getting a bit long but I'll roll it with to see him eventually eat this thaaaaaang

  3. Ethan PiBoss
    Ethan PiBoss says:

    Look I love Weisman and Babish but Bri and Ethan Chlebowski have been killing it to where they're both now my new favorite youtube chefs, both deserve so many more views, subscribers and notoriety than they have. They're quality is off the charts.

  4. Goat Fiddler
    Goat Fiddler says:

    Brian – 3kg of water???? What is with the weighing of liquids? Liquids are always done by volume – no compaction problems as you have with flour etc. As water has a density of 1000kg/m^3 your 3kg is a volume of 3 litres. It is only yourself and a few other US youtube foodies, Josh W. comes to mind, who are providing the metric values that I have ever seen using weights of liquids. Otherwise, a tasty looking pie to try.


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