Chia Seeds – 3 things that Chia Seeds are NOT

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Chia Seeds may be deemed a superfood by many people, but there are 3 things that Chia Seeds are NOT.

32 replies
  1. @wyluek
    @wyluek says:


  2. @catzeye
    @catzeye says:

    They add not bc of making junk food better, they add bc chia seeds have lots of nutrients itself as well as fiber. Chia seeds adds more nutrients and fiber and it's this that provide more benefit to a plate of otherwise unhealthy, low nutrients, low fiber junk food.

  3. @easyacademy8110
    @easyacademy8110 says:

    I think the title of this video is not correct or it is just to attract people to view it. The content of the video is about if you eat unhealthily eating chia seed is not beneficial to the body too. So, the topic of the video should be "eat healthily is important to get maximum benefit of chia seed".

  4. @karenstrong8887
    @karenstrong8887 says:

    I make chia pudding from chia seeds and unsweetened almond milk. I half fill 4 small jars, put the lid on and refrigerate. For breakfast I take one and add some plain no fat, no sugar yoghurt. I top this with frozen blueberries that I have cooked for 5 minutes and mashed with nothing added. Then some fresh blueberries with a couple of small dried, thin flakes of coconut. Then I drizzle half a teaspoon of almond butter on top. Sometimes if the fruit is bitter I will sprinkle a tiny amount of all natural sweetener. Or I will swap the fruits to another that is not loaded with natural sugar like raspberry or frozen mixed berry. Winter is strawberry season where I live and the strawberry farm is 5 minutes from my house.
    We have 2 meals a day and Dinner is grilled or air fried protein, mostly fresh fish and salad or steamed vegetables. We have learned to cook several Japanese meals because they taste good and are healthy. I usually drink only water but sometimes I will drink one cup of very weak tea. We have always been fit and a healthy weight. My diet and lifestyle did not give me genetic heart valve disease, I have no Cholesterol in my arteries but I have to take high cholesterol medication. The first from my Mothers side and the second from my fathers. It did not give us cancer and it did not give us Diabetes. You are right though chia seeds do not fix anything but I like them.

  5. @coco805
    @coco805 says:

    This is an annoying and uninformed video. I understand Chia is not magic, but the seeds do have a ton of fiber and if you add it to the unhealthy stuff you are already eating it at least adds dietary fiber and mucin. Also, what it does it makes you feel more satisfied after eating, so you eat less. I think you need to reassess your video Dr.

  6. @et781
    @et781 says:

    I only add a tablespoon of chia seeds as a thickener to my smoothies (frozen berries, and kale, very little banana, chlorella tablets and unsweetened vanilla goat whey protein powder.)


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