Chefs Test and Review TikTok Food Trends! Ft. PoppyCooks | SORTEDfood

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Get ready for another TikTok recipe extravaganza as today, we have the Michelin-trained, TikTok recipe star, Poppy O’Toole in the studio showing our normals …

49 replies
  1. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    Interesting to see that the potato dish is trending right now. If I recall, Thomas Keller featured such a dish in his book "Ad Hoc At Home" and it was called "potato pavé". Essentially it's just a fancy version of potato gratin. I first saw it being recreated by Andrew on About to Eat.

  2. LifeOfANerd
    LifeOfANerd says:

    Ok so can we get more Poppy? She fit in so we'll with everyone! Awesome on camera chemistry! I miss James but I'm fine with replacing him with Poppy!

    Also can we get a chef vs chef of James and Poppy?!?

  3. Synth Wolfe
    Synth Wolfe says:

    Honestly, I'm going to have to make a strawberry crab cheesecake puff now. That last twist really inspired it. Might try it with and without a mint sauce over it. To help compliment the strawberry without counteracting the crab too much.

  4. Mezasu
    Mezasu says:

    A guest pass it on is such a fun idea! I'm sure not for the team here haha. Some of the guests don't know the intricacies and habits of each member so it can really throw things for a loop.

  5. Life of Teddeh
    Life of Teddeh says:

    Poppy fits in so unbelievably well with the group, would love to see her partake in more videos. Her vibe, expertise, cuisine – would almost be too soon to say, but could fill the role of the second chef on the channel

  6. Jack Castle
    Jack Castle says:

    If Sorted ever wants to become a two chef channel again and if she ever feels inclined to join, I vote Poppy fill that role. I love the energy she brings to the group.

  7. Spicefreak
    Spicefreak says:

    Did she pick the right winner? Yes. Did she justify it correctly? No. The pasta cheesecake pierogi were clearly the more out there twist and it was ridiculous to try and claim otherwise.

  8. Zid Vicious
    Zid Vicious says:

    Poppy and you guys have a very good chemistry together !!!!

    Thank you guys so much for making such a very good vibes video in a very hard time like this, keep up a good work guys.

  9. Ennarcia
    Ennarcia says:

    PLEASE put her in pass it on! PLEASE!!!! I practically went feral when I heard it.

    – Bacon is love, bacon is life. But no seriously, Poppy said the potato thing being simple was it's strong suit, so something like bacon, which is still simple but strong and versatile, is kind of the perfect twist, even if it's 'boring'.
    – I've never had lentils, and I hate spicy food, so Mike's dish is a no from me.
    – Barry's is up there with Jamie in that his dish appealed to me, but the pesto sounded weird.

  10. Tea Rex
    Tea Rex says:

    A Michelan star chef and only salt and duck fat on potatoes, pesto and scrambled eggs in a cold tortilla, FRIED pasta…. and these are viral trends??? None of her "trends" seemed very interesting or delicious. The normals' versions all looked better. I'm sure she's a great chef but I was not impressed at all.


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