Chef & ‘Normals’ Taste Test the Latest Food Trends | Vol.13 | SORTEDfood

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There are so many exciting trends out there in the world of food, so we’ve taste-tested, debated and reviewed a bunch for your viewing pleasure! Have a watch …

39 replies
  1. Molly-Anne Bartlett
    Molly-Anne Bartlett says:

    Really not liking this attitude on ‘impact of farming cattle’, look towards to amount of soy vegans are using, the amount that transport affects our environment before slandering livestock farmers as a whole.

  2. gregory carter
    gregory carter says:

    Cop out boys
    the first 2 were/are rubbish, and you know why. the last one Jude's ice cream was the only one of merit. However, planting trees is not all it's cracked up to be and a lot of dodgee stuff goes on in that department… check it out. That said Jude's seem to be serious and the work they are doing to their " paddock to plate" is fantastic and the way to go.

  3. Nate Hladki
    Nate Hladki says:

    While I appreciate the effort to spotlight climate change and push people to act as individuals, we've got to remember that we cannot drag ourselves out of this as individuals. Major corporations got us into this situation, they're keeping us in this climate crisis, and the best thing to do is to force those large corporations to consider the climate and act accordingly.

  4. Abbey Murphy
    Abbey Murphy says:

    Magic Spoon is such a millennial product, which isn't a bad thing I'm not insulting them, it's just to say that for a single person eating no more than one bowl of cereal a day/every other day, a $10 box of cereal where you have to hunt for the real nutrition facts could be considered reasonable. For a family of four kids eating cereal for breakfast every day that's a $10 a week cost, or more, when a big box of pretty good quality cereal is less than $10 and lasts twice as long.

  5. Quintin Seegers
    Quintin Seegers says:

    Considering the damage Stevia can cause to your liver and kidneys, cause hypoglycaemia, endocrine disruption, it's far less healthier (and far more dangerous to your health) than using regular sugar. I'd avoid any product that contains Stevia.

  6. subductionzone
    subductionzone says:

    Ben as a chef had an almost unforgivable error. When you freeze dry something you do not "put it under pressure". In fact it is the opposite. One puts the frozen item in a near vacuum. For ice to sublimate the pressure needs to be very low, not high.

  7. tarren
    tarren says:

    Definitely got that astronaut ice cream – I'd swear in the same packaging! – when I was a kid about 20 years ago. They sold it in every museum giftshop even back then in the UK 😅 not sure this one is a trend guys!

  8. Lohoydo
    Lohoydo says:

    2 things about the ice cream. First, you VACUUM it not put it under pressure. Second, the astronaut icecream isn't actually eaten in space. Its too crumbly and chaulky, presenting a dust/crumb hazard

  9. AKKuura
    AKKuura says:

    The "cattle is horrible for the environment" argument is dumb. If you buy avocados or something else grown half-way around the world vs buying local meat and dairy, the meat and dairy will be way less impactful on the environment.

  10. Emma Avery
    Emma Avery says:

    I think what I love is that they call the astronaut ice cream a new food trend, but I distinctly remember going to Johnson Space Center in Houston as a child circa 2000 and getting that exact same bag of that exact same ice cream.

    That’s just me being picky, but freeze drying/dehydrating is actually becoming a thing again in general- my local farmers market had one freeze dried/dehydrated booth pop up in the past two years and then last time there was a couple. I think it’ll be like the people who cut out vinyl stuff for laptops and tumblers and stickers; oversaturated market.

  11. Directionally Challenged
    Directionally Challenged says:

    everyone focuses on trees, but ignores how important algae is to our oxygen production and how much the ocean plays a part. We should also focus on trying to clean out the plastics from the ocean and try to promote healthy plant and animal growth in our seas to help reduce carbon levels.

  12. Marie Lawson
    Marie Lawson says:

    Magic spoon is a good idea but the price is absolutely foolish!! Every single YouTube seems to be pushing it but to get it to me here in Canada with tax and shipping works out to like $12cdn a box… and it’s a tiny box, you’d get like 3 maybe 4 servings out of that…. So cereal for $3 a bowl 🤨 that’s ridiculous!!
    Edit to add: the same size name brand box is about $5cdn, and for that amount of off brand stuff it’s closer to $3!!!

    The freeze dried ice cream would be fun as a novelty. My kiddo would get a kick out of it. But it’s the kind of thing you buy once and never again.

    The app is interesting but not available here in Canada… I can’t see it dictating my shopping because my budget is my determining factor. Sure if you have the cash to buy only non processed stuff then go for it. But I don’t think you need an app to eat less processed 🤷‍♀️

    The ice cream… meh… good idea but again too much $$$ for what it is!

    I’m really seeing a trend here, and I’ve said it to people before… being able to buy many heathy and/or environmentally friendly products is a privilege that not everyone has. As a matter of fact more and more people are on a tighter and tighter budget all the time… with rising food prices I imagine less and less people will be able to afford these types of products.

  13. VioletSkies
    VioletSkies says:

    I think that cereal is made for an American pallete so a little too sweet for us especially when using sweeteners which in excess have a but of a weird taste, I generally find added protein products have an odd taste to them too so the combination doesn't sound great. I also kinda think if you like sweet cereal have it occasionally as a treat, maybe on a weekend, rather than eat this thing which is not only expensive but just as processed or more.

  14. Harsimrat Dhaliwal
    Harsimrat Dhaliwal says:

    The thing about that cereal that made me sceptical is the saying that it's a low glycemic index. You've replaced "normal sugar" with another form of sugar that ends up going into the body and becoming more glucose and fat than "normal sugar" would.

  15. Jo Greer
    Jo Greer says:

    Astronaut ice cream has been around forever, they don’t actually sent freeze-dried items in space though, they’re too crumbly, and can cause dust that would interfere and break shuttle/ISS instruments.

  16. Cyf Cyfa
    Cyf Cyfa says:

    When are people gonna start remembering their 5th grade bio classes and talk about how CO2 is a FUCKING FERTILISER AND THE ONLY REASON WE HAVE GREENS? Literally more CO2 means less chemical fertilisers are needed to grow anything at all. Do we not like food anymore or are we expected to just take things like that cereal abomination as the new normal?

  17. Kekkelpenney Peckeltoot
    Kekkelpenney Peckeltoot says:

    Magic spoon is so bad. Its ok straight out of the box but add any milk type and it’s awful. With all the people coming into our clinic talking about how inflation is killing their food buying specialty foods are definitely low in the list. While most everyone of us understand the reasons for healthy and sustainable foods they’re out of reach for half the population at a minimum.


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